
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Mike's Minute: Should we give up access to Australia to solve the 501 problem?

The word according to reportage was ‘ire’.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand called the Prime Minister of Australia to express his ire at the Direction 99 changes that involves crooks and reprobates being booted out of Australia and sent back to New Zealand because they're not Australians.

The key here, ire or not, is that they are New Zealanders and not Australians, and the reason they are not Australians is because we have, as Kiwis, basically unfettered access and as such, many don’t get around to doing the paperwork.

If you haven't followed the Direction 99 story, I can tell you for nothing it is a mess that has sunk the reputation of the minister concerned. The only reason he hasn’t been sacked is because it would give the opposition a scalp and he is the Prime Minister's mate.

But make no mistake, the damage this has done and is doing to the Government is not to be underestimated and although they have until May next year to call an election, the vast majority of modern Australian Governments don’t get close and it's entirely possible a vote will be called this year.

This is the sort of issue that sinks Governments.

So look at it from their point of view. You have criminals you can boot out of your country because they are not Australians, so, why wouldn’t you?

Between the boat people that arrive illegally and have since been let out of jail and the New Zealander who, instead of taking advantage of a great country like Australia and making the most of it, turns into a thug, it's a nightmare the Government doesn’t need.

The answer is to change the entry laws, i.e. we need a visa to stay in Australia like other countries. The deal we have historically by way of access is unique and we are lucky to have it. The downside is some people abuse it.

A lot of people argue we should reciprocate and should do the same to them. Maybe we should, maybe we shouldn’t. But either way, it doesn’t solve the problem of Kiwis who break the law in Australia getting sent back here.

What we have had until now is Australia being nice. The Direction 99 was a favour to us.

The favour has backfired on the Government of the day. In politics, anywhere you look the golden rule is survival. Being nice is one thing but survival trumps it every time.

Ire or no ire, Albanese won't be helping us out again.

If you're a Kiwi and a crook you are our problem, not his.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


CCT said...

Except when so called NZers arrive in Australia very young and are inducted by Australians into a criminal lifestyle! Once trained there, they are being sent back to NZ. Australia needs to take some responsibility for this. Your points are fair enough for those who travel to Australia teenage years or later but for those who arrive there before then, I'm not so convinced of your argument.

Anonymous said...

Yes give up access.

Robert Arthur said...

I understand a disproportionate number of the rejects are maori/trace maori. As many were brought up in Oz they cannot claim disadvantage through neglect of some Treaty favour. Perhaps the proportions prove Waititi's claim that maori are genetically very different.

Anonymous said...

So many people think these crims are Australia's responsibilty and therefore should stay there. It's quite naive really. Of course Australia is going to deport them if they can!. Who wouldn't? Australia has a responsibilty to it's citizens first and foremost, if they can deport a non-citizen thug they will do so and I don't blame them one bit. They are happy to have Kiwis there so long as its a net positive for them, once you are more of a cost than a benefit they turf you out - makes sense to me and I would expect our goverment should do the same.