
Monday, October 28, 2024

David Farrar: Can someone explain the difference to Willie between a judge and a prosecutor.

Willie Jackson writes:

The backlash generated by ACT, National, NZ First, Hobson’s Pledge and other right-wing bad faith actors towards Solicitor-General Una Jagose’s prosecution guidelines, has been nothing short of a race-based moral panic to fan the flames of racism rather than challenge them.

Sure. Opposing racism is racism.

Jagose’s prosecution guidelines were not new! These guidelines had been in place to ensure that when a judge passes sentence, they have the flexibility and independence to pass judgments that ensure mercy and rehabilitation are at the heart of our justice system.

This is so justice is fair.

It is concerning that Labour’s fifth highest ranked MP doesn’t understand the difference between prosecutors and judges. This is not a trivial technical error. Does no one in Labour (or the Herald) fact check what Willie writes?

For the benefit of Willie, and his staff, the prosecution guidelines have zero impact on a judge passing a sentence. None at all. They are guidelines for prosecutors in deciding whether to charge someone with a crime.

The prosecution guidelines list all those who should have a fuller context looked at before a judge passes sentence.

This was not a one off error. Willie literally has no idea what he is talking about.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Basil Walker said...

David . The Solicitor Generals prosecution guidlines WERE race based and the Coalition government abhors use of race above need so heading your article slamming the government was abstruse.

Anonymous said...

No point in even attempting to explain anything to Willie. A his ex-wife once apparently indicated, doing so is a waste of breath. Whenever he opens his trap, it reminds us of once staring to watch "Dumb and Dumber" - we switched it off within a couple of minutes (if that!) and with Willie, we generally do likewise except it is sometimes worth sticking with it to find out what he and his are trying on next.

Anonymous said...

That Willie doesn’t know the difference comes as no surprise.

anonymous said...

But Jackson's racist psycho -babble has a following amongst the sheeple.... unfortunately.