Word on the street is that Paula Bennett, after her stellar fundraising efforts before the election is being bought in as National Party President to replace the rather hapless Sylvia “Who” Wood.
In fairness to Paula she is a good fundraiser and wonderful at ratf**king caucus members who aren't doing what she wants them to do. Apparently the caucus are a bit worried none of them are quite good enough to knife Luxon, so they are colluding around the Bennett campaign for Party President so they have someone who can deliver the bad news to Luxon.
Paula will be the one who pushes Luxon in front the train. Shouldn't be too hard really, I mean she's already literally pushed a person onto the tracks before, so why not another?
The president is usually the one that is asked to have a quiet chat to the leader when the numbers are against them. Judy Kirk was heavily involved in showing Don Brash the polling that showed he would never win and National would gain more votes without him.
The same happened with Jim Bolger, when caucus rolled him while overseas, that's how courageous they weren't, it was put on my old man as he was president at that time, to go give Bolger the bad news because none of them had the stones to tell him themselves.
In an ideal world the party wouldn’t need a new president to get rid of Luxon. They would just do it. But it is a convenient cop out that allows them to give Luxon a few more months to well and truly hang himself with high net negative favourable numbers.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
The president is usually the one that is asked to have a quiet chat to the leader when the numbers are against them. Judy Kirk was heavily involved in showing Don Brash the polling that showed he would never win and National would gain more votes without him.
The same happened with Jim Bolger, when caucus rolled him while overseas, that's how courageous they weren't, it was put on my old man as he was president at that time, to go give Bolger the bad news because none of them had the stones to tell him themselves.
In an ideal world the party wouldn’t need a new president to get rid of Luxon. They would just do it. But it is a convenient cop out that allows them to give Luxon a few more months to well and truly hang himself with high net negative favourable numbers.
Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.
I think someone should check with Matthew Hooten and see who he think Luxon's replacement should be and pick someone else.
...and can someone please tell Luxon Obama is not the US president now. Silly man!
Urgent action needed. NZ heads closer to tribal rule every day.....
Well said Chuck. Perhaps Matthew Hooten has something to do with the selection of breaking views reporters as well.
Next question is who is funding the ridiculous anti Luxon pens for hire?
It could be the banks, the supermarkets, the petrol companies, or the building supply monopolies.
All of whose profits are under threat from Luxons take no prisoners quest to improve NZers lives.
But Janine, he's still an 'A-lister' - well certainly in our PM's eyes, and therefore useful for self-aggrandisement purposes. Actually, not such a bad idea to find out what other spent politicians do, for he'll soon be joining the ranks - the sooner the better!
I have no faith whatsoever that it will make one bit of difference if they swap him out. Our country is being run by TPM. Get rid of the Maori seats.
Just another woke idiot. Oh dear.
While Luxon appears to be remarkably indecisive as PM, the real question is, does the Party have anyone better? This seems like swapping the captain of the Titanic, with the iceberg directly ahead.
BUT, Cam, what you have placed before the " reading denizens ", is nothing new when it comes to The National Party - all you have done " is placed history before us, again ".
Based on what has " preceded them before and is likely to happen again ', me thinks that at the next General Election, the many (people) should cast their votes for a Political Party that will do ' something ', other than offer promises and not deliver.
Mark H - take your blinkers off and see the bigger picture. Now look behind you, at the part Maori usurping democracy.
You write as though Luxon is saving NZ, he isn't and deliberately ignoring the destruction in his wake.
He has to go, and the sooner the better, to see if we can get back to a multicultural NZ, rather than Maori taking precedence over every one else.
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