
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Lushington D. Brady: Hey, Hey, It’s Getting Cold in Here

Coldest June morning on record!

You know, I’m not known as impatient sort of guy, but, dammit, I’m starting to wonder what’s happened to that global warming I was promised. Because, in case you hadn’t noticed, it’s decidedly nippy these days.

Well, duh – it’s winter. Except it’s quite a winter. A chillier one than we’ve seen since records began in some parts of Australia.

South-east Australia is shivering through some of its coldest temperatures in years, with brisk winds pushing the morning chill factor even lower.

Sydney experienced its coldest June morning on record on Monday, with a minimum temperature of -1.8C, according to Miriam Bradbury, a senior meteorologist at the Bureau of Meteorology.

Funny how the Climate Cultists are being awfully quiet about that one. Just as they’ve run strict radio silence on a recent study I reported that found Antarctic ice shelves have been growing, not shrinking as they were supposed to.

Sure, sure, the mainstream media can screech their heads off that “the last X years have been the hottest on record”, but that’s like saying that my last 40 years have been my tallest on record – because I stopped growing some time before Madonna had her first hit single.

Especially when global warming stopped completely for nearly 20 years. Oops. The Climate Cult breathed a sigh of relief, of course, when temperatures briefly inched up by the tiniest notch for a couple of years. But that was an outcome of a particularly strong El Nino, an entirely natural climate cycle.

For the last few years, we’ve cycled the other way, into a series of La Ninas – and down have come the temperatures.

Still, one frost does not an Ice Age make – and, for once, the Climate Cultists are showing an ounce of epistemic humility.

While significant, Bradbury said the monitoring site was only established 12 years ago, so there could have been cooler conditions before then.

And the exact opposite is true, too. But you’ll never catch the Climate Cult hedging their “warmest on record” hysterics with such admissions. It’s almost like they’re just trying to drive a narrative.

And a Climate Cultist’s doom-saying springs eternal.

Despite the cooler conditions, Bradbury said the longer-term outlook for the whole winter hasn’t changed. “We’re still expecting it to be warmer than average overall.”

And if it isn’t?

Perhaps the cult will dust off their ’70s-era “Global Cooling” alarmism.

Still, every clear, frosty morning has a silver lining: as they try and keep the heaters running while electricity prices continue to skyrocket, perhaps even the most fervent cultist may dimly begin to comprehend that the reality of “net zero” is cold, dark and miserable.

More likely, though, we’ll see more of the unintentional hilarity of shivering climate activists robotically chanting, against all evidence, that “It’s getting warm in here!”

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now look into Geoengineering/weather modification and how the NWO are manipulating weather events to push the climate emergency narrative.