
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Lushington D. Brady: Mass Migration Bites NZ Too

As I’ve written many times, mass immigration is an unwanted Ponzi scam that the elite are determined to foist on the rest of us, no matter how loudly we object. The same goes for so-called “refugees”, most of whom are really economic migrants determined to jump the queue by paying off criminal people smugglers.

For all Jacinda Ardern’s blatherskiting, though, New Zealand’s refugee intake was the merest fraction of Australia’s. Lucky New Zealand, really.

But not so lucky, when it comes to mass migration. Unsurprisingly, New Zealand’s political and business elite are as addicted to the economic sugar hit of mass migration as any other feckless Western government.

New Zealand’s population has continued to grow at pace with new data for the year to April showing a net migration gain of 72,300.

On a per-capita basis, then, New Zealand’s flood of immigrants exceeds even Australia’s. Even if Australia, where the equivalent of the population of Auckland will be imported in just the next three years, swamps New Zealand in raw numbers.

For a small-population country, though, New Zealand is being flooded with migrants.

That figure is now substantially past the peak of the migration boom New Zealand experienced last decade and is surpassed only by the record set when Kiwis returned home as the pandemic hit in early 2020 […]

The rate of net migration, which picked up sharply six months ago, had New Zealand on track to hit annual population gains in excess of 100,000 if it is sustained.

And you wonder why house prices and rents are so high?

That has some economists forecasting higher inflation as new migrants add demand to the economy.

Demand for commodities in short supply, such as houses, inescapably pushes prices higher.

That’s not counting the social cost of lightning-fast demographic change.

The provisional net migration gain of 72,300 in the year ended April 2023 was made up of a net loss of 26,100 New Zealand citizens, which was more than offset by a net gain of 98,400 non-New Zealand citizens, StatsNZ said.

The surge in mass migration is being driven by the same elite demands as in Australia.

The Government came under pressure from critics for introducing an overly restrictive immigration policy as businesses suffered from labour shortages.

Those ubers ain’t gonna drive themselves, after all.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE

1 comment:

Cara said...

What is the rationale behind a welfare policy that enables tens of thousands of able-bodied people to live on taxpayer benefits, while tens of thousands of others - mostly from different cultures – are being brought in to undertake the work the former lot could have done? And this in a country with stressed health & education systems, & major housing &infrastructure deficits.
Has anyone done a long-term cost/benefit analysis of these policies?
Nicola Willis has stated – in defence of ‘Working for Families’ – that the National Party believes everyone who can work should work. Sounds like a good place to start!