
Thursday, August 3, 2023

Sean Plunket: Climate change panic reaches boiling point

There is always a new report or computer model or hot take or doomsday prediction or bunch of idiots gluing themselves to a road screeching the end of the world is nigh.

Another month and another screeching headline about climate change.

The latest “dire prediction” comes from United Nation’s Secretary General Antonio Gueterres, who says the world is at “boiling point” and something must be done.

For New Zealand that something generally involves sacrificing productivity in our primary production sector, spurning our natural resources, and using state regulation to interfere in our lives.

Of course, nothing is ever enough. There is always a new report or computer model or hot take or doomsday prediction or bunch of idiots gluing themselves to a road screeching the end of the world is nigh.

But as growing numbers of sane folk around the world are starting to realise it simply is not.

I have been covering such dire predictions for more than thirty years and it has become obvious to me that while we need to treat our planet better, we are not destroying it.

Sea levels are not rising, mass extinctions are not occurring, the Great Barrier Reef is not dead, polar bear populations are not endangered, extreme weather events are not increasing and most certainly the planet is not at boiling point.

But the climate change alarmist cannot abandon their quasi-religious beliefs. There are simply too many bureaucratic jobs on the line, too many research grants, media junkets and clicks to roll back the avalanche of climate change rhetoric that has swamped the globe.

That does not mean we will not return to a more practical and realistic view of our relationship with planet Earth. The longer the computer models do not come to fruition, our cities do not sink under the sea and the polar bears do not die out the harder it will be for the panic merchants to sustain their doomsday cult.

None of this means we are not at risk of natural disaster. Floods, fires, famines, and calamities have been with us since time began. But I am hoping before too long there will be a reawakening and a realisation that is not humanities fault but the random nature of living on planet Earth.

Sean Plunket is the founding editor of The Platform and an award-winning veteran broadcaster and television presenter.  This article was originally published by and is published here with kind permission.


Anna Mouse said...

Antonio 'Gutterless' is a part of the clan of the cult climate.

He like all the others from the political elite, the WEF and the WHO to the oligarch billionares, influencer wally classes are in it for their own ego 'approval' ratings against the others in that little cabal.

They all stand inside their echo chamber of backpatting and flagellation making false statements like the false prophets they are while they use science and scientist willingly trying to gain funding or entry into the 'group' to back up their cult.

Pollution is the greatest threat to any environment and plastic is the biggest polluter.

Humans are and always have been chemists, we created plastic through that alchemy but for some reason we seem hell bent on ignoring the obvious solution. The solution is using that chemistry to actually recycle all plastic to it's creation form and rebuild it molecule by molecule into new plastics.

I imagine like all things, profit drives that desire to assist the environment down but governments who preach that we need to save the planet also seem unwilling to invest in technology to do something about the plastic pollution.

I heard a comment from a internation chemistry technologist years ago and he stated that the earth (then) have enough plastic produced if recycled to compensate demand for ever and that one day landfills full of plastic will become the next gold fields.

People in the league with Mr.'Gutterless' really do not care about the environment they care about how they look inside their intersectionalised cult.

Anonymous said...

Yes, our boiling point against this globalist cult which is carrying out an agenda of depopulation and enslavement has been reached. They have gone to far to fast and have exposed themselves to us. The long standing psyop that has kept us asleep to their evil has worn off and now the tables turn. There are more of us than them, so time to reclaim our freedoms and deal to this cult.

CXH said...

Even if it is real, what are we doing about it? We get fed continual disaster porn to watch, continual messages of we are all going to die if we don't do something now.

Yet we get no real answers. Solar and wind, yeah right. Kill our cows and bankrupt our country. All while China, India, Africa continue to build new coal power plants. Perhaps we should just refuse to deal with any country not doing their bit. Wait, that would actually have a real life effort on the level of comfort James Shaw gets to enjoy, so scratch that.

So instead we give discounts to the wealthy to buy EVs, even though they require child slave labour to produce. Just look the other way and pretend we care. It is all a joke so the well off can strutt about showing they really care.

Doug Longmire said...

Gueterres is a complete liar.

No - the world is not boiling. The world is warming, in fits and starts, as it emerges from the Little Ice Age.

Prior to the Little Ice Age, the globe was about 2 degrees warmer than now (Yes - Gueterres, - WARMER THAN NOW) This was during the medieval warm spell when the Vikings farmed the then lush green fertile fields of Greenland.

Anonymous said...

This post is to applaud you all for your colourful descriptions of the truth over climate change and countering the climate doomsayers who are determined to scare us.

Anonymous said...

There always has been, and will always be climate change.
That's how this planet works. Full stop.
Every generation of humans has experienced climate change.
So whats new ?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sean,spot on. As we freeze our tushes off in the deep south, "a planet on the boil" is laughable. There is no evidence to show that wild fires have not been deliberately started. Coasts have always eroded, mountains have always fed waterways with silt and debris, and Planet Earth has always cooled and heated as a "living expression of creation." Full moon will always create king tides, and turbulent seas. it is the nature of the beast. The fact that we choose to live adjacent to beaches, cliffs, lakes, rivers and flood plains, shows we lack the wisdom it takes to build our houses on solid ground. Fear-mongering about a phantom extinction has gripped the younger generation. I wonder as they dye their hair every colour of the rainbow, whether they consider where all that hair dye/bleach goes? Straight to the ocean. Hypocrisy in a bottle. Check out "Fabian Socialism". Gradualism is the key word here. Objective? To pauperise and dispossess the people, because "Nanny State knows best."

Anonymous said...

China produces approx. 30% of world Co2 emissions and they are increasing at approx 15% year. At 0.17% of world emissions, if NZ dissapeared overnight the dip in world emissions would be filled by China's increase in approximately 14 days.(0.17÷(30×0.15)×365=13.78)
So how can James Shaw and his ECO luvvies justify wrecking our economy to reduce emissions, even if they do believe that Co2 levels are causing a problem.