
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Cam Slater: I Love It When Politicians Make Bold Promises

Politicians, boosted by their enhanced narcissism, hubris, and sociopathy never seem to realise when their mouths are writing cheques that no one could possibly bank. Chloe Swarbrick is just another of this ilk making lofty and unattainable promises.

But don’t you worry, we will be keeping the receipts, because it is going to be fun watching it all go pear-shaped.

She promised to grow the Green Party and revealed her ultimate goal: “the nation’s first Green-led government.”

“I am a proud member of the Green Party. More than any other party we understand that there is far greater leadership out there in the community than there is in the so-called halls of power. I am here to serve my communities. Over the past three days, they have asked me to stand up and put myself forward for this role,” Swarbrick said.

Swarbrick noted her wins in Auckland Central and other electorate wins in the latest election as examples of the party’s achievements, and that “bad things happen when good people stand idly by.”

She promised to continue to grow the Green vote and work across the aisle in Parliament.

“I have proven that we can not only mobilise but win concrete change.”

“We will grow,” she said.

Swarbrick said the focus was not just on the 2026 general election, but on next year’s local body elections. She promised to help get more Green-aligned people into local government positions next year.

She repeatedly called for a radical change in how people think about politics.

“Mark my word when I say we are going to build the biggest Green movement you have ever seen.”
NZ Herald

Swarbrick, like the other Green lunatics, thinks that they won the last election and that they won their highest-ever number of MPs because of their good policy and robust arguments.

They haven’t stopped for even a moment of reflection to wonder that maybe, just perhaps, their increased vote was because of a poorly performing Labour Party.

At the next election Labour should do better and, without the calming influence of James Shaw, the Greens are going to be increasingly divisive and crazy, embracing support of a terrorist organisation and promoting economic policies that only certifiable idiots would promote.

No minor party, under MMP, has ever got more than 13.35% in an election. And the party that did that was NZ First, not the Green Party. Not only is history against the Greens but so is reality.

Then again the Greens have always shown that they are reality-phobes. They push woke agendas that there are more than two sexes, that Hamas are freedom fighters, not terrorists, and of course the ongoing climate scam.

When James Shaw leaves, the last sensible Green leaves and all that remains are screaming harpies and harridans, poofs and weirdos…not exactly the required broad-church to become a major party.

Still, she’s made these bold promises, and now we can keep score.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

I listened to that interview on ZB and thought at the time, she doesn’t have a clue.
Promising to come up with a new economic model , better than Capitalism etc etc. I wonder if she even has an economics degree to understand what she is saying.
Anyway, I like Chloe despite her daft ideas much better than Marama Davidson, whom is a verifiable nutbag.
However, there is one massive problem. This country is still dealing with the fallout of fawning over a certain young, inexperienced leader by the name of Jacinda.
The chances of that happening again and having a complicit media behind her are very slim, therefore Chloe’s rein with the Greens is going to be about three years. Then she will qualify for her lifetime pension and bye bye Chloe.

Anonymous said...

"The Minister Of Delusion" might be an appropriate title for wee Chloe. Now that the BS artist Shaw is gone, the entire party is barking mad.

hughvane said...

Years ago, someone half-inched the song from the movie “There's No Business Like Show Business” to describe what at least half our elected (or dredged) polis think, only s/he penned the words:
“There’s no delusion like self-delusion, like self-delusion on show …. “

Never has it been more apropos than for today’s Greens.

Anonymous said...

Gosh I too have both heard the verbal word and upon reading this article that re-iterated the verbal - "I found myself leaping to my feet, standing upright & straight, clicking the heels of both feet together, extending the right arm out, slightly above shoulder height, the fingers extended and straight - and was about to shout ... and the dog barked - woke me from that silly dream I was having about returning to the 1930's.

ihcpcoro said...

The greens really have become the fruitcake party. If you cut into it you may find small traces of green bits. Wonder what Jeanette Fitzsimons might have thought of the current green crop?

Allan said...

What's she smoking, and where can I get some?

Anonymous said...

Cam, I like you mate, I enjoy your commentary and I know we are on the same page. I always reply/ contribute to your pieces, hopefully to add value and discussion points.

Soooo, in this instance I disagree with you to an extent. Perception (unfortunately in this instance) is reality. Swarbrick is popular with the loonies. Swarbrick is (imo) also a nutter, but that doesn't matter to other nutters. Can she grow a bigger percentage of the 'lunatic pie'? Probably.

In this screwed up divisive world which is getting more divisive because of the likes of Swarbrick, who prey on weak individuals who want to follow, they could well get larger before reality bites and we have to save the nutters from themselves again.

Look, I hope I'm wrong and you are correct. I'm not a gambling man, but I would gladly bet a Cohiba on this cos then either way I win!
All the best.