
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

David Farrar: Now that’s a crackdown on gangs

Nayib Bukele just won re-election as President off El Salvador with 85% of the vote!


He cracked down on gangs. Around 75,000 people got jailed – that is more than 1% of the population. Not all of them got trials, so this is no model for civil liberties. They built a new 40,000 capacity prison in seven months!

But El Salvador has gone from the highest murder rate in the world to a 95% drop in murders. Outwards migrations has halved as it has become safer. That is a drop of over 5,000 murders a year. El Salvador now has a lower murder rate than some US cities. It used to be over 6,000 and in 2023 it looks to have dropped to 154 homicides.

The WSJ reported:

But more than 60% of Salvadorans said they didn't care if their government was democratic as long as it solved their day-to-day problems, according to a survey by Chile-based regional pollster Latinobarometro in 2021.

i'm a big fan of democracy, but democratic governments have to actually perform their core roles well, the most critical being keep the country safe. If you fail at that, you fail.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

And crime here needs to be brought back under control. Under labour with their racist policies to let maori get away with anything....and they did.

It shouldn't matter what race you are, if you are bad and a criminal you go to jail. Simple.

Finally some sense and law and order is being restored but it's going to take time to change the attitudes of the bad ppl to understand that there will be conquences under a decent non racist govt who values all nz'ers , not just 1 particular race.

Anonymous said...

Do they have cultural reports on offenders in El Salvador courts ?