
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Mike's Minute: Our Covid Inquiry has to look at more

God bless Brooke van Velden.

As part of the coalition agreement, the Government are looking to expand the terms of the Covid Inquiry.


Because not all the questions that need asking, were going to be. Ask yourself why that might be.

It's an age-old Government trick. If you set up an inquiry you can deflect questions about your performance by saying "let's see what the inquiry says", or "that's up to the inquiry to look into".

But it also allows you to control the narrative, set the terms of reference any way you want and say "oh, the inquiry didn't look into that".

The damage done to people's lives and the ongoing economic effect is to be seen all around us every single day, years on, because of how Covid was handled in this country. And the inquiry is going nowhere near where it needs to go.

Headed by van Velden, that is about to change.

They want our input into what needs to be done and inquired into. Well, may I suggest a seat, a stand and an inquisitorial approach of a few key players.

All you had to do was look at Scotland last week and Nicola Sturgeon, a Jacinda Ardern-like control freak who used the pandemic as a political tool, stoked by fear, to control people's lives in a ruinous way.

Similar scenes have been seen in Britain with Boris Johnson. In Scotland's case there were deleted messages, burner phones and lies.

Would a good series of penetrating questions reveal something similar here? We will never know unless we probe.

Probe the front of the line for the vaccine that wasn't.

Probe the PPE gear that was everywhere, except it wasn't.

Probe the fury of the medical profession over the messages from the pulpit of truth that were simply not true.

Probe the exclamation, and who can forget it, that the truth lay in the Beehive theatrette and nowhere else.

Surely these are the areas we want a few questions around. Why are these things not being inquired into already?

Answer; because the Government of the day knows it would get super awkward, super fast.

More reason to do it then, eh?

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


DeeM said...

How about probe the safety of mRNA vaccines and the growing evidence all around the world in highly vaccinated countries, including NZ, that vaccine rollout coincided with a spike in excess deaths which have remained high ever since.
Excess cardiac events, excess cancers, excess kidney disease, on it goes.

Or is this just another one of your conspiracy theories, Mike?

Anonymous said...

Our Government hold itself to account Mike?? YEAH RIGHT.

New Zealand, as of 1987, is a free-standing constitutional monarchy whose Parliament has UNLIMITED SOVEREIGN POWER!!

Basil Walker said...

An excellent expose of the upcoming Covid in NZ inquiry . NZCPR readers should document their wishes so we can collate a vast number of personal Covid investigations . The NZCPR does not need an ecyclopedia or essay as the inquiry will satisfy that .ie
Why the denial of using other proven medicines against Covid that were cheaper and successful in India and South America.?

Hazel Modisett said...

Without the full unredacted public exposure of the contracts signed by Jabsinda with Pfizer & Moderna et al, the whole process will just be another tax payer funded farce...

Anonymous said...

I will never forget the day she told kiwis that we could invite friends around to our houses now, but only if they don't use the inside loo. She said this with a straight face. I immediately marched to my local supermarket unmasked and took out my frustration on the security guard, which was not fair. And now every activist far and wide, every crazy nutter with a false, woke hypocritical bent has taken advantage.

Anonymous said...

Also need to review the entire project governance structure. It was doomed to fail as soon as the independent parliamentary committee under Simon Bridges was disbanded, as the decision makers no longer had a diversity of expertise and experience available to them. Cherry-picking “experts” is always a huge risk. It seems that the government didn’t know what it didn’t know, and weren’t prepared to listen to a range of expert opinions. The question is why - hubris? ignorance? a hidden agenda?

Anonymous said...

Guy Hatchard should certainly be in the mix with Brooke to write the scope of the enquiry. DeeM stole my thunder.

Margaret said...

what about the medical staff who got themselves exempted from the vaccine ?

Anonymous said...

My main question: did the government know that the vaccine did not stop transmission when they mandated it?