
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ele Ludemann: Stopping debate won’t stop division

Reasons both for and against the Bill to define the Treaty principles vary in their worth.

One of the worst against it is that it will cause division.

Those who use this as a reason to kill the Bill are either in ignorance of, or ignoring, the division that already exists over the rights and wrongs of Māori rights and the disquiet over the way the principles, which are undefined, have crept into legislation and practice in all levels of government, the public service and private organisations.

Stopping debate because there is division won’t stop the division, it will make it worse.

Those who support the way Treaty principles are used should make the most of the opportunity to educate, and persuade, those who don’t of their value.

Those who don’t support the way the principles are used should make the most of the opportunity to educate, and persuade, those who do of their flaws.

Either way, it is far better to have open, and intelligent, debate on an issue about which may feel strongly than to drive division underground to fester.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Doug Longmire said...

Exactly, Ele.
The racial division is already here, stark and clear ! Stirred along by the Activist Waitangi Tribunal who have literally re written the Treaty of Waitangi.
The Bill is aimed at getting back to the actual meaning of the REAL Treaty (Not the fictional "Tiriti" version).
What the Treaty says, in essence, is :-
The Crown is sovereign.
Your lands are safe.
We are all equal.

anonymous said...

Very serious when a Prime Minister stops the citizens from having their say on an issue of such importance for the nation. Key and
Finlayson must be giving him ( bad) advice.