
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ross Meurant: Rugby Union v The Dollar

Once upon a time, when chaps played rugger for the love of the game - not the dollar, and the household names of players could be recognised and pronounced, the game united our Nation.

Saturday after the game, rugby clubs across this once Long White Cloud provided sanctuary, where a culture was nurtured; where club protocols of behaviour substituted for police and many a romance was kindled - be it all against a goal post as twilight fell.


Clubs have disappeared - Carton Grammar Teachers Eastern - in Auckland today these once separate senior clubs producing as they did provincial and international reps, now latent lay in the bosom of one club alone.

The dollar rules. 

Like an ever-flowing river, time has changed the face of the game that once stood supreme across the globe midst colonial outposts of an also now dead Empire.

Love of the sport is a false motive. Rugby Union today faces relegation to the power of dollars invested in other codes.

Rugby Union as we knew it, as with all rivers, tides and time, once past, can never be recovered. 

Some say what emerges from the mists of time, is better?  Electric cars for example.

At the moment given the collapse of lithium mines, reflecting the collapse of E car demand in Europe and USA (1), this manifestation of progress may be as ill-considered as Bitcoin.

On the other hand, as the following example may attest; evolution can produce outstanding performances to the demise of Rugby Union.  See this link:

Ross Meurant BA MPP Former Police Inspector. Former Member of Parliament. Former Diplomatic Representative. Current partner


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