The second health target is to get the two year immunisation rate back up to 95%.
As you can see the rate was very close to 95% under National. It dipped slightly in the transition year to 91.9%. Then it plummeted from 2020 to 2024 to 77.9%. A huge job ahead to get it back to where it was.

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The immunisation rate is now so low, that we arguably no longer have herd immunity to some of those childhood diseases.
David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.
Given immunity to disease is a myth based upon pseudoscience while anaphylaxis and allergy generation from the injection of any protein into the body is a reality for all injectable products containing proteins we'll need to see a much greater reduction in the rates of vaccination for the population as a whole to begin seeing a return to the health of our grandparents and great grandparents generations.
Well well. So something good did come out of Covid after all.
Trust in the medical system and doctors has plummeted from 77% to 45% according to a recent American survey . How could it be otherwise after the scam of covid and covid vaccination accompanied by profligate lies and deception ?
I have just listened to NZDSOS and Matt Shelton on RCR radio, concerning the very evident large white clots being observed by Nz and overseas morticians from covid vaccinated deceased bodies - the stuff of Dracula horror movies never seen before.Then there is the confronting link between c-19 vaccines and the increased cancer risks described by Prof.Angus Dalgleish world expert in melonomas which has gained international attention.
Why do MSM , not report any of this ? Well , it might frighten us !
You don't get herd immunity from immunisation.!!
The utter stupidity of the comments by Anonymous 10.50 is jaw-dropping. So s/he actually believes our grandparents and great-grandparents lived in a golden age of heathcare while they were dropping dead from typhoid and cholera and smallpox and anthrax and polio and tuberculosis and bubonic plague and tetanus and a hundred other infectious diseases that have since been eliminated as a danger to society by medical science and particularly vaccines. S/he may be willing to accept the resulting life expectancy of around 40 years common in society up to the end of the 19th century, but most of the rest of us are more than happy to take the current average of 82 on offer, and rising.
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