
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lushington Brady: Reaching for the Stars While the Left Drag Him Down

Elon Musk is transforming the world, mostly for the better – so of course the left hate him

As I wrote recently, capitalism developed cheap appliances that literally save lives – the green-left hate them. And one of the world’s most successful capitalist innovators right now? Oh, boy, do the left hate him.

Now, I’m not exactly a signed-up True Believer of the Cult of Musk. In fact, I despise Tesla and its business model, which is rank crony capitalism. In other enterprises, though, from banking to communications, Musk is a consequential innovator up there with Thomas Edison or Steve Jobs.

Nowhere more so than in space.

Space exploration is currently in its most exciting period since the Mercury Seven, or Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon. Rocket launches are taking place near-weekly. Musk’s SpaceX is pioneering new designs for everything from rockets to spacesuits. The evolution of the Raptor engines is a thing of engineering beauty to behold, from a once-tangled mess of pipes and valves to a sleek, yet more powerful, rocket. Similarly, the Dragon capsule is an exercise in minimalism that would make Marie Kondo spark with joy.

Meanwhile, the dinosaurs at NASA are building new capsules which look exactly like the hardware of the 1960s… only bigger. As for Boeing…

At the same time, SpaceX has sent the cost of getting a payload into orbit tumbling. From being stuck in the tens of thousands of dollars per kilo since the 1960s, payload costs are already falling below $2000/kilo.

Every month, it seems, Musk is making space history.

Did you hear about the amazing space history just made? Two women traveled further from Earth than any woman ever had.

Elon Musk made that happen. Of course, the fact that he is behind that historic first is likely why you didn’t hear about it.

Because, like the appliances that have not only made life easier for ordinary people around the world, but literally saved millions of lives, the left absolutely hate Musk’s innovations.

All because he pushed back against their number one ideological position: censorship.

Democrats, the far left and most of the liberal media loved Elon Musk…until they didn’t. Once he bought Twitter, turned it into X, and made it clear that he was against much of the censorship they had been pushing and for the free speech they opposed, many on the left and in the media turned against him with a vengeance.

Almost overnight, Musk became “Public Enemy No 2.” He will obviously never reach the number one position, since the left has carved former President Donald Trump’s name in granite for that title. But, as Musk also dared to endorse Trump for president, he has a lock on number two forever more.

Shortly after Musk bought Twitter, a young, woke-ish acquaintance was sneering that Musk is just another ‘arsehole billionaire’. No doubt, I responded, but we can have an arsehole billionaire and no free speech, or an arsehole billionaire and at least some free speech. I know which I prefer.

And the left know which they hate. With a passion.

The often-unhinged hostility directed at Musk by some on the left is disturbing. Again, just a few years ago, the left seemingly wanted to erect statues to Musk as they sang his praises and those of his companies Tesla and SpaceX. Now, aside from hurling ugly pejoratives at him, many on the left also want to cancel SpaceX, Tesla, the hated X and even arrest Musk.

Like old-school Soviets muttering about the ‘decadent West’, even as they scarfed up Western-made luxury goods, the more incredible Musk’s achievements, the more the left ramp up the hate.

Recently […] SpaceX launched a four-person civilian crew on a trailblazing mission into Earth’s Van Allen radiation belts. It can’t be stressed enough how jaw-dropping and incredible that mission was […]

This latest SpaceX launch – dubbed “Polaris Dawn” – set a number of firsts. It was the first all-private-citizen space launch; the first commercial spacewalk; the first “all civilian” spacewalk; and, again, it marked the farthest any woman has ever flown in space. Beyond that, it was the farthest humanity has flown from the Earth in more than 50 years.

Meanwhile, NASA’s Boeing-built Starliner capsule was deemed too wonky and unreliable to even risk sending astronauts home from the International Space Station in. In the end, to the left’s furious chagrin, it was SpaceX to the rescue.

The left can – and will – hate on him all they want because of his fight against their censorship, for free speech and because he dared to endorse the reviled Trump. But decades and even centuries from now, I believe history will record Musk as the driving force who permanently lifted humanity into the promise and protection of space.

Not if the left get to write the history books, it won’t.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE

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