
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Lushington Brady: They Are Not Smart Men in Tehran

When will they learn: Jews don’t lose.

As I recently wrote, the Islamic world is marked by notably low average IQ. In fact, ‘Palestine’ scores so low that its population could be classed as functionally retarded. Iran fares much better, but still below average.

Like it or not, these are facts – and those facts have consequences.

Such as not learning that attacking Israel is not a good idea. From the very instant the modern state of Israel was re-established in the ancient Jewish homelands, its Islamic neighbours have repeatedly ganged up to try and destroy it.

And got their @r$es handed to them, every time.

To be fair, the dim bulbs eventually lit in some Islamic states. Egypt made peace decades ago (although that led to the prompt assassination of the president by enraged Islamic morons). More recently, the Donald Trump-brokered Abraham Accords showed that the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan were coming to their senses.

The dimwit mullahs of Iran are slow learners, though.

The Iranian ayatollah’s strategy from the outset was to light a “ring of fire” around Israel to burn it to death.

Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 and “the day after October 7 was the day Iran ignited the ring of fire”, says retired Australian army colonel Mike Kelly, a former Labor minister for defence materiel.

The ring has many parts to it and all flared up: Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq, just to name the biggest.

All are armed, financed and directed by Iran. For instance, as the late Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, once said: “Hezbollah’s budget, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, comes from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

As I often say, there’s genuine intelligence... and then there’s rat cunning. They are not the same. Criminals, for instance, often possess the latter but are known for being generally of low intelligence. Which is why they almost always come a cropper.

Rat-cunning Iran thought it was playing the smart game.

Iran’s strategy is shrewd. Why should Iran expose itself to Israeli attack when its armies of affiliates were only too happy to martyr themselves for the cause?

“A situation was created,” says former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo, “in which Iran had a border with Israel but Israel had no border with Iran, which is more than 1000 miles away.”

Like all rat-cunning but thickheaded criminals, though, the Iranian regime is suddenly finding that it’s about to be nicked.

But the strategy is failing. Israel has inflicted so much damage on Iran’s proxies, has doused so much of the fire, that Iran finally felt compelled to engage the enemy itself […]

The result? Iran bombarded Israel with 180 ballistic missiles on Tuesday night, Australian time. After its missile and drone assault on Israel in April, this was only the second time Iran has struck Israel directly.

And, once again, the dunderheaded hate of the Islamic world is learning the hard way that, as Orson Scott Card put it, ‘Jews don’t lose’.

And, for the second time, while it terrified Israeli civilians, Iran’s missiles proved impotent against the combined interception effort of Israel, the United States, Britain, France and Jordan.

And, for the second time, Iran is pulling back its burned hand. But it may be too late.

The regime of Ayatollah Khamenei is unpopular at home and its economy is crushed by sanctions imposed by the West. “Iran doesn’t want an all-out regional war because of the damage it would do to Iran but also damage it would do to the regime,” says retired Australian major general Mick Ryan.

But with the ring of fire sputtering and smouldering, Israel now confronts the chief arsonist in his own home. And Iran has given Israel the opportunity to impose a punishing retaliation.“Netanyahu,” observes Ryan, “is also in regime-preservation mode.” He has promised to retaliate and, unlike in April, the White House this time is not urging restraint.

So, now the mullahs are left sweating on what the ‘yahud’ are going to do, next. They’ve already shown that nowhere and no one is beyond their reach. If wasting Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh in a compound protected by Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard didn’t get the message home, then sending the two brothers known as Hezbollah’s ‘terror royalty’ to their 72 virgins should make even the dimmest bulbs in Tehran start to sweat.

One thing’s for sure, they won’t be answering their pagers in a hurry.

Nor would they want to be anywhere in the vicinity of Iran’s nuclear facilities for a while.

Who knows? Maybe this time they’ll finally cotton on.

Lushington describes himself as Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

Are you not paying attention?

Iran just inflicted massive damage on two airfields, Mossad headquarters and an off shore oil facility. At a minimum. There are some claims a significant number of f-35s destroyed on the ground. Israel has imposed a total media blackout.

Intercept efforts of the 200+ ballistic missiles, including a good proportion in the hypersonic range were of limited success. It’s hard to find accurate information but 10% would seem to be generous. The cost to intercept last April’s efforts was a billion plus, this time could have cost even more.

This event has changed the whole calculus for Israel’s actions. Previously enjoying near impunity, they will now will face significant accurate damage.

While Iran and Russia don’t have a defense treaty, cooperation has been greatly increased since the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s political leader in Iran attending the presidential inauguration.

For days a stream of Russian heavy transports flew into Teheran carrying air defense and electronic warfare units. That pretty much ruins any Israeli attack plans for Iran. This is likely the reason we’ve only seen retaliation against Lebanon.

There is a lesson being taught here but it’s Israel that’s the student.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Zionist shills don't do facts, just lies and propaganda.

Doug Longmire said...

FYI, Anon..
They started this war.
Hamas terrorists invaded Israel a year ago and committed rape, murder, pillage and kidnapping of innocent civilians.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

This fellow has overstepped the mark here with his inane comments and insinuations about racial IQ. He exhibits a pathological hatred of Islam and Muslims. What respect I may have had for him has evaporated and I will not lower myself to commenting on this diatribe.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10.32 clearly has a far more reliable source of information than the mainstream media, which is surprising given that the MSM have not reported any of his assertions, despite their willingness to repeat the unverifiable gush of propaganda emerging from the various protagonists in this dispute. So come on Anon 10.32. Give us your sources, and let us judge for ourselves their veracity. In the meantime, that old aphorism "In war, truth is the first casualty." is as valid to your utterances as anything said by Israel or Iran.

Hugh Jorgan said...

For Anon at 10.32, I have one word: "delusional." Russia has its hands full with Ukraine, there is no way it has the resources available to be 'gifted' to Iran, as you've suggested.

Anonymous said...

Israel is not 'winning' by itself or its own resources. It looks as if all Israel can do is bomb civilians and I wouldn't gloat about this. More bombs have been dumped on Gaza than in all the bombs of World War II. 86, 2000lb bombs were dumped on Beirut - this does not look intelligent. One day the US taxpayer will break through the lies their media tell them and stop funding Israel. Young people in the US have largely figured it out.

Hugh Jorgan said...

"More bombs have been dumped on Gaza than in [sic] all the bombs of World War II"? Errant nonsense that doesn't stand up to any sort of intellectually rigorous scrutiny.

Anonymous said...

Seems the 2000lb bombs referred to by Anonymous 12.30 were necessary to flush out the mad mullahs heading up Hezbullah who were emulating their HAMAS fellow-travellers by hiding underground. Mad mullahs everywhere think nothing of positioning a few civilians between them and the bombs but hey, we all know its a privilege for the faithful to die for Allah and there's always those 72 virgins to look forward to.