
Friday, October 25, 2024

Perspective with Heather du Plessis-Allan: Can we finally admit Kamala Harris was a mistake?

Can we say it now? It might be a bit early, but I'm going to say it - Kamala Harris was a mistake.

The Democrats should never have picked her to run against Trump. I mean, never say never, but it's becoming more and more likely that Trumpy's gonna win in a couple of weeks.

I said that last week, that he's too close behind her in the swing states - so he'll over-perform in them like he usually does on the night and then he'll win.

But don’t take my word for it, you've got Nate Silver - a US election wizard - today saying his gut says Trump wins.

You've also got The Economist saying Trump wins with a 54 percent likelihood compared to Kamala's likelihood of 45 percent and you've got a new Wall Street Journal poll giving Trump a narrow lead - with voters having a more positive view of him and a more negative view of Kamala.

And you’ve got Democrats reportedly panicking over the fact they think he’s gonna win.

If you cast your mind back, this was predictable. When there was all this talk of Biden stepping down, loads of people were saying - don't pick Kamala, she won't win, she doesn't have what it takes, the public doesn't like her.

And then she got picked anyway and there was that flurry of excitement and she got all this momentum - but if you took a step back, which we did, that excitement was about the thought of her, the thought of a black woman being President for the first time.

The actual her remained the same. Boring, uncharismatic, annoying voice, word salad, couldn't campaign.

That excitement was always going to fade when people actually got to know her, and it has. This was totally predicable.

If Trump wins in a couple of weeks, which it looks like he will, then we can say Kamala was a mistake.

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show HERE - where this article was sourced.


Rob Beechey said...

It’s not just the empty headed cackler. It’s the total Democratic package. Their only policy is to “Get Trump”. He’s the only towering strength capable in halting the Marxist revolution. Saving democracy, my arse. Never having the numbers back in 2020, the Deep State is prepared to trash their country with the illegal dregs of the world to swell the voting power. That’s the real story Heather which your brethren fail to cover.

Basil Walker said...

NZ complains and is frightened by the 501 scourge deported from Austalia to NZ . Imagine 12 -20 million of the same crossing the US border with Biden & Kamalas blessing and infiltrating a decent society and your town or city . Vote Trump , of course you would .

CXH said...

Harris was dumped on the Dems by a vindictive Jill Biden. After being tossed out of the white house, there was a pause for a couple of days. The Dems talked about moving on with a new selection, suddenly Joe comes out with full support for Harris. The timing was perfect, long enough for Dems to get excited, not long enough to have a firm favorite in front of the public.

The democrats got played beautifully for backstabbing someone, only weeks before, was the true saviour.