
Monday, October 21, 2024

Peter Murphy: U.S. government pushing climate lies on schoolchildren

The ever-changing climate continues to be a perverse obsession with the Biden administration and will continue in earnest if Vice President Kamala Harris is elected next month, notwithstanding her deliberate reticence on the subject during her presidential campaign.

Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris federal bureaucracy continues to be the largest purveyor of climate lies. This began with President Biden’s executive order one week after assuming office, to require a “government-wide approach to the climate crisis” to control the populace and steer the nation to a climate war footing.

This alphabet soup of federal bureaucracies paid handsomely by the American taxpayer are the major propagandists of climate disinformation and misinformation, most insidiously those aimed at children, including by manipulating data to advance a false narrative. The Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Department of Education are among the primary malefactors that impact climate teaching in schools.

If you thought NASA was just about space exploration, you would be wrong. Instead, the agency is a major propagator of climate doom. From its “Climate Kids” website is this gem of falsehoods:

Too much carbon dioxide in the air makes Earth get warmer and warmer. When humans burn fossil fuels, like gasoline and coal, carbon dioxide is produced…We need to keep a close watch on this number [416 parts per million of atmospheric CO2]. Carbon dioxide levels have gone sky-high in the past 100 years. Many scientists think that 350 ppm is a much healthier number and that we should try to reduce our use of fossil fuels to get that number back.

The drivel is endless. More carbon dioxide does not make the planet “warmer and warmer.” The late scientist Dr. Jay Lehr and others have documented that solar rays, ocean currents and orbital patterns have far more influence on climate compared to carbon. Imagine that: the sun impacts climate!

The “many scientists,” who are typically unnamed incorrectly claim less CO2 is “much healthier.” Rather, CFACT has documented that higher carbon levels have made a healthier, greener planet, including increased global vegetation, forestry and food supplies, as discussed by Larry Bell, head of the graduate program in space architecture at the University of Houston and others.

“Reduc[ing] our use of fossil fuels to get” lower CO2 levels, as in “burn” less gasoline and coal, is sheer folly. The reality, as shown by engineer Ronald Stein and many others, is that previous planetary warming periods long pre-date humans and fossil fuel use. Modern records show higher carbon emissions do not correspond with global temperatures, such as when temperatures declined after World War II when CO2 spiked.

Then there is the NOAA, which has an education sub-bureaucracy to advance climate extremism since it evidently doesn’t have enough to do tracking hurricanes and weather patterns. One of its many misinformation nuggets is that humans are the “main cause” of global warming with increased CO2 in the atmosphere since 1860 – a year conveniently chosen since it marks the approximate end of what is known as the “Little Ice Age.”

Again, human activity has no bearing on the up-and-down global temperature over decades, centuries and certainly millions of years, as shown by examining geological data that reveal the planet today is cooler than during most of its estimated existence.

It’s bad enough the adults in government and large institutions groupthink each other and try to bamboozle the public using the news media echo chamber. It is worse to scare young people in their own classrooms, indoctrinating them from kindergarten through 12th grade about the planet’s supposed imminent demise and that of their own future. Indeed, school districts from New Jersey to California are implementing this subtle form of child exploitation, with “Climate Change Education.”

The negative effects of this one-sided inculcating of climate dogma on children are alarming, as multiple studies have shown high rates of anxiety among them. A 2023 survey of climate literature found “traumatizing effects” of climate change on young people. In 2021, an extensive survey of thousands of children across 10 countries, including the U.S., found “climate anxiety and dissatisfaction with government responses are widespread in children and young people in countries across the world and impact their daily functioning.”

In disturbing reality, the U.S. Government is the biggest perpetrator of misinformation and disinformation. The salient examples are well known, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the surrender in Afghanistan, and the number of jobs created. Add to that the Feds showcasing climate junk science including the blizzard of lies told schoolchildren, with the NASA and NOAA examples being the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Since our government incessantly lies to the public to advance its political agenda, which is to control every aspect of our lifestyles, including health, diets, travel, material well-being and our security, sadly it should come as no surprise it would lie to our children to control the generations that come after us.

Peter Murphy is Senior Fellow at CFACT. He has researched and advocated for a variety of policy issues, including education reform and fiscal policy, both in the non-profit sector and in government. This article was sourced HERE


Anonymous said...

The weird thing is, the poor anxious children can't do a thing to help the situation. The industrial giants of the world continue to produce CO2 as well as the volcanoes. How many more angry Gretas do we need?

Doug Longmire said...

Get real, NASA !!
The truth is that for the vast majority of Planet Earth's history (going back 600 million years) CO2 levels have been between 1500 and 7000 ppm.
The current levels of approx 400 ppm is basically CO2 starvation !!

Doug Longmire said...

And also - CO2 is the basis of ALL life on Earth.
All of us, our bodies, our plants, our lovely animals - are created from life giving CO2.
If CO2 levels dropped below 160 ppm, all life on Earth would die off !

Rob Beechey said...

The general public should be ashamed for allowing themselves to be conned into believing the greatest lie ever told. Net-Zero intelligence springs to mind. To then spook our children into believing this nonsense, is criminal, and a reflection of a sick society. The perpetrators, (glibly known as experts by the Press,) should be named and shamed.

Anonymous said...

Then they use their “silent weather weapons of warfare” to weaponized the weather to create “unnatural killer weather events”, then blame “man-made” climate change to the bewildered.

Chuck Bird said...

Most skeptical climate scientist like Dr Curry, Dr Koonin, and Dr Moore agree that human emissions contribute to global warming and sea level rise. However they also agree that there is no climate emergency. There are greater threats to human existence like nuclear war and an asteroid hitting earth.