
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Cam Slater: Treaty Issues Now a Top 3 Concern for Voters

As I predicted the other day, Christopher Luxon and the National Party are being squeezed hard on treaty issues. David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill is increasingly popular, and the polls show it. But Luxon is extremely squishy on this and wetter than an otter’s pocket. Sooner rather than later he is going to have to pick a side instead of sitting on the fence.

Seven per cent of voters think the Treaty of Waitangi is the “most important issue” influencing their vote, seven times the number claiming “education” the top issue.

The most recent Taxpayers Union-Curia poll asked voters what was the most important issue influencing their vote. The poll found the Treaty tied for third place, equal with “health” and “law and order”.

The cost of living remained the most important issue, polling 24 per cent. The economy was the second most important issue at 11 per cent.

That’s the lede, as they say in the business.

Treaty issues, so long dormant, have become a top-tier political issue. Up there with health, and ahead of the likes of housing (5 per cent), the environment (4 per cent), tax (3 per cent), poverty (3 per cent), and employment (2 per cent).
NZ Herald

It is no longer tenable for Luxon to say he and his party won’t support this bill past its first reading.

Luxon needs to let the full process proceed now, and head towards a referendum to settle this once and for all.

If he doesn’t then there really isn’t a reason any longer to support National on this key constitutional issue, and if you find you can no longer do that on such an important issue then what can you support them on?

It is increasingly looking likely that National and Luxon are going to sell us out to Maori interests. It is also increasingly likely that billboards like this will start sprouting up all over the place, along with a CIR to force the issue onto the ballot paper.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

After the 3 Waters, Co governance and Maorification crap that Jacinda and the chipmunk put us through National has to come to the party now. Willie Jackson, John Tamahire and Nanaia Mahuta will never give up if they are not "encouraged" to get off the gravy train and think about the needs of all New Zealanders. They are like rust, it never stops; creeping, eroding and slowly destroying.

Anonymous said...

That is why I could not vote for them. National and Luxon are just labour-lite

hughvane said...

The fence palings, upon which Mr Luxon perches in respect of a number of voter issues, must be getting noticeably painful by now. Stand by, proctologists.

Anonymous said...

Finally, the stark reality - now or never for NZ's democracy.