
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cam Slater: Why Can’t Chris Cahill Tell the Truth

Telling a lie once is pretty bad and doing it on a radio station is worse. Chris Cahill has been busted telling too many lies: he must resign.

I could be generous and say Chris Cahill is being economical with the truth. However, in this instance, he is just flat-out lying.

He appeared on Michael Laws’ show on the Platform about two weeks ago and was talking about gun laws.

In the interview he made an astonishing claim that Matthew Hunt was killed with a semi-automatic assault rifle that had been “diverted” from a licenced firearm owner to the criminal. The inference was that the gun register would prevent this.

Have a good listen, especially near the end where he gets all squirrelly and then changes the subject.

Click to view

Cahill is emphatic that this firearm was “diverted” and identified where the firearm originated from.

That was a lie. There is no other word to describe it.

How do I know it was a lie?

Well, because someone made an Official Information Act request about this precise matter. And, surprise, surprise, the Police have no idea where he got the firearm from and haven’t prosecuted anyone for the offence.

I don’t know about you, but deliberately lying to a media organisation on behalf of the organisation you represent is pretty serious and should be the final nail in his coffin, after being busted multiple time for lying...and screwing up their pay negotiations.

Perhaps Michael Laws might like to get this proven liar back on his show to hear what he has to say about it all.

Personally, I think he should resign.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the GoodOil - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Hmm cam, interesting. I hope you are correct. People have to be held accountable especially if they are knowingly telling porkies. Great work breaking this and if you are correct I'm guessing his credibility will be in tatters soon enough.

Empathic said...

One might think that making up lies would damage a person's reputation and credibility but blatant lies are so common in New Zealand now and encouraged so much by mainstream media that they hardly raise an eyebrow.