
Friday, September 27, 2024

Clive Bibby: Star Wars in our own time

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there existed a planet populated by the human species that was in danger of extinction by its own hand. 

The world had been overcome by an elite group of self serving extremists who had gained power simply because of the apathy of those who had been lulled into a false sense of security due to the hard work of generations of predecessors generating the wealth capable of sustaining the modern version in a manner to which they had  become accustomed. 

Individual rights and equal opportunities were in danger as they no longer formed the cornerstones of society. 

Instead, those with the power, many of whom had been elevated to their positions of authority via corrupt pathways, were reluctant to relinquish their illicitly gained governance role and, as a consequence, had become hell bent on eliminating anybody or any organisation that was regarded as a threat to their place in the Sun. 

Fortunately, there remained a relatively small group of resistance motivated citizens who were committed to returning the world to a place fit for heroes but the amount of human sacrifice required during the wars that followed would prove too much for some - although hope of salvation remained with those whose beliefs ensured they would not give up.

In my humble opinion, it would be a mistake to not draw comparisons with the situation currently being experienced in all but a handful of the world’s democracies with that Star Wars fantasy. 

Believe me, for most of the world’s population, that description already fits their day to day reality. 

And so, in an attempt to work out how real it is for the rest of us, I refer only to the populations who have yet to fall under the rule of dictators. 

Those that already have must be considered beyond salvation and so we need to see how many of the rest are on the brink of following suit. 

For some it may already be too late but for those of us where the majority still value the institutions that gave us the opportunities we enjoy, there is still time to regain the upper hand and prevent the disaster that has befallen so many. 

But it will take a commitment to self sacrifice this generation has not experienced before. 

People have to realise that our future freedoms will be bought at a cost that some will be unwilling to pay. 

Therefore, it is incumbent on us all to recognise the wolf that is at the door. 

No longer can we continue with the “ I’m all right Jack” attitude that has allowed this pernicious assault on our democracy to become as established as it has even here in Godzone. 

It is over to us. 

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


Anonymous said...

Dear Clive. Is it over stating the obvious, in relation to your well put article, that you may be - "pointing the finger at those who reside within the walls the Nation Of New Zealand"?
That Nation of good persons who are more worried about what "Razor" is doing with the National Rugby Team, than what is happening within our distinct, Country, where the mantra is - "who gives a s..."!
I can understand you frustrations. There are the "minority of Kiwi's" who rise to stand against "the powers that be" over many
issues - but their "voices seem to be lost in the westerly winds"- because the powers that be - have stopped listening, assuming they know better.
Especially when it comes to spending money on projects, that end up (currently) having expensive cost overruns, not only Nationally but also in local Council domains.
We are a Country "in decline" - my point being - look at what is happening with the closure of business - Ohakune & now Timaru - not a good look going forward. And the current argument, is how much will be spent on the "new Dunedin hospital" - another developing - "cost over run project".

Anonymous said...

May the Force be with us, 'cos we are gonna need it!