
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Rodney Hide: The New Tyrants

The difficulty of politics now is that the Left have detached from reality. They believe:
  • Trans women are women
  • We have ten years to save the planet
  • That Māori didn’t cede Sovereignty
  • That we should Trust the science
  • That the river is a person.
And so on.

The untruths get repeated without contest until accepted as truth. Propaganda works.

The untruths serve to consolidate power, divide the nation, and gaslight all opposition.

We also have identity politics. The Left believe that what you think and say is dictated by your group. You can’t escape the group but you can be chucked out. We see that most commonly with Māori: a Māori supporting “one-law“ is oxymoronic and can’t be Māori.

Part and parcel of group identity is the victim-oppressor hierarchy. The exact order is difficult to discern but definitely white, old, men are chief oppressors. Their very language and argument keeps everyone else down and oppressed. Their very success proves they are oppressors. For the Left, prosperity is zero sum: your wealth is at everyone else’s expense.

To soften the accusation of oppressor the word privilege may be used. You are still an oppressor but are made conscious of your privilege. That requires a modern day struggle session where you mentally bend your knee to your hitherto victim now your oppressor.

In the interests of justice, fairness, equity, kindness, etc., oppressors must be silenced. It is a time for victims to speak. That means the poor white truck driver must shut up. The Māori, female professor speaks. She Is the oppressed; he her oppressor. The individual circumstances don’t matter. Group identity determines everything.

The oppressed get to speak their truth. This is important. Their truth is personal to them. It is true to them. It cannot be contested. To debate is to perpetuate oppression.

We then have hate speech. Hate speech is what old white men say. Hate speech threatens the oppressed’s Health and Safety, and Safety always trumps freedom and so speech must be controlled either by the law or more efficiently by strict social norms. A career can be over in two minutes simply by stating what was an obvious truth just five years ago.

There is also misinformation and disinformation. Those with the wrong ideas threaten Health and Safety. Wrong information is a contagion causing people to make wrong decisions or to think wrong and hurtful thoughts. Once again, speech must be controlled, especially in public forums. Indeed, public forums must be rigorously policed.

This Left is awash with paradox and hypocrisy. The intellectual leaders are old white men. The cult leaders are white and privileged. But none of that matters. The anointed only need to announce an untruth for it to be acclaimed.

The Left's detachment from reality has made astonishing inroads to control political discourse, legacy media, social media (bar X), universities and schools, the bureaucracy and the courts.

The takeover has been swift and total. The key has been the ruthless squashing of dissent. Dissenters are publicly denounced and destroyed with their heads displayed on spikes. That could be you is the threat. To speak out is to lose your job, your career, your business, your social standing.

There are modern day Red Guards sprinkled through key institutions ready to pounce and denounce. That leaves the members of all our key institutions either brainwashed themselves or scared.

For the moment, we have a centre-right government but to no great advantage. We look across their rank and file and ask: brainwashed or scared?

We are in a dark and dangerous time. Woke is too soft a word to describe the tyranny that rules us. Jacobin or Red Guard are closer. We have not hit bottom. The unreason has further to descend and the resulting tyranny is set to get more violent.

I say more violent because the suppression of speech is already violent. So too the enforcement of racial preferences. We have seen that violence at Albert Park with Let Women Speak. And there is a menace from Māori leaders and protestors on the ground.

But this is only the start. Once free speech and rational argument are surrendered, the next stop is physical violence. How else do political differences get resolved and how else is the exercise of power to be decided once free debate is lost?

For the moment we can still speak out through alternate platforms. We have X and sites such as this one. We just have to be prepared for the consequences. As the tyrants chillingly declare, free speech is not free of consequence.

We can also see the start of the tyrants wanting to control and dictate to alternate platforms. The main social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube are lost.

We need to keep talking. Keep debating. You need to be telling me where I am wrong. And why. I welcome that. And enjoy that. It means we can still debate and discuss and learn.

But these are testing times. We need to decide what price we are prepared to pay to defend what we once took for granted: our freedom, our ability to think and to reason and to speak and to say that one plus one equals two.

We must be brave and support bravery in others in our small corners of the internet such as this one. We need to do so in our small groups in real life and online. We need to revel in our debate and disagreement. As incredible as it seems, we are tasked with keeping the values of the Enlightenment alive.

That will be the truly blessed day that we once again put our kids and our country first.

Rodney Hide is former ACT Party leader, and Minister in the National-ACT Government from 2008 to 2011. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

For a very long time, most of mankind has been living in such utter blindness and foolishness, completely unaware of anything that is going on in our world. In spite of being terrorized, taxed, perverted, deceived, oppressed and abused on all sides by their governments and the evil elites behind them, nobody paid attention. Nobody had a clue how they were being enslaved and led down to destruction. Everyone was too busy playing games, seeking pleasure, talking nonsense, chasing superficial happiness without any semblance of foundation.

We have believed every absurd lie, followed every wicked leader, devoured every poisonous substance, embraced every destructive behavior. Everything healthy and wholesome, pure and good has been forsaken in the interest of comfort, pleasure and fun. Character, purity, honesty and justice were abandoned in favor of all the opposites.

Children spend their days 'shooting' other human beings in video games. Adults spend their nights watching pornographic productions that poison their mind and destroy their relationships. Schools have become hubs of perversion and every form of wickedness, yet nobody cares. Supermarkets have been filled with nothing but toxic waste labelled as 'food', and everybody buys it unquestioningly. Televisions have become portals of hell to pour intense darkness into the very hearts of all of mankind, and everyone gives their money to buy more and more subscriptions to even darker channels.

We can blame the evil elite, the cabal or the wicked governments, but we are the ones who have been giving them all our money, time, affection and worship. We are the ones who have been devoting all our energy and time to their evil, which offered us a temporary pleasure and comfort. We sacrificed justice and goodness in return for luxury and ease of life.

There is a massive storm coming our way. Will we finally pay attention?

Anonymous said...

I'm supposed to be commenting anonymously. however I will not be surprised if I am being tracked, resulting in a knock on the door by some burly blokes and taken away for re-indoctrination.
Another example of how NZ has evolved into the 1930s Third Reich.
Thanks for nothing Comrade Ardern.

Anonymous said...

Rodney, well said.
Yes we live in dark times. The far left lunatics are firmly in charge. I have started to push back against this and I feel a lot of people have had enough.

If things are to get worse and I unfortunately feel you are correct it will not be good for this country.

Let's hope we are at peak lunacy now and that this govt has the legs to return common sense to the masses.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

>"There are modern day Red Guards sprinkled through key institutions ready to pounce and denounce. That leaves the members of all our key institutions either brainwashed themselves or scared."
Spot on.
The marxofascist (as I call them) on the interview panel for an academic job is usually easy to spot - female, with that you-can't-touch-me haughtiness about it (to use a gender-neutral pronoun) that soon tells you whether you're in or out whatever your qualifications.
I went through several interviews with NZ unis and it always ended with one of the resident marxofascists putting the boot in, on one occasion doing a hatchet job on me because I would not make the right noises about the Maori stuff.
Never mind, I had a good career at overseas universities and Google Scholar saw plenty of me.
It's not an option open to all, and the cancer is spreading to developing countries, but if I were a young academic I'd be looking at universities in fairly conservative places (especially in Muslim countries) for my career development.

Hazel Modisett said...

I hear constant prattle about the left & the right & their opposing ideology, but what about the silent majority ?, the ones who still retain "old school" values & morality, who are fairly conservative but willing to listen to different viewpoints & consider them, who believe in Rule of Law when that law isn't used as a weapon to violate their rights & freedom, who enjoy the colour of diversity but will not accept the law & religion of anybody forced down their neck & consider blind obedience to the dictates of a war mongering Imperialist US, corrupt & self serving UN & blatantly ridiculous WEF to be at odds with our safety & welfare & that of humanity at large.
In a true Democracy, shouldn't this majority hold the balance of power through our vote & be able to reject ideology that does not resonate with our core values ?
Perhaps I am living in the past, or naïve, or senile, but things sure seemed a lot rosier prior to the advent of this neoliberal hellhole we are forced to accept now.
Show me my signature on the "social contract" or leave me alone to live life as I choose. I dont harm anybody...

Mark H said...

We need to remember that we dont owe anybody anything, but humans have become so domesticated that we feel obliged to be submissive. We should be making better choices about who deserves our respect, and be more outspoken about those that dont. People think they have too much to lose by speaking out, but you will lose your self worth if you capitulate to every pushy person. Competitive sports helps people be more determined and willing to hold your ground, without needing to get ugly.

Don said...

There is a lot of extremist and negative thinking here. A half truth can be hard to refute but the first Anonymous paints such a gloomy picture that one can think the Reds or Nazis are here and we are powerless. The Good Soldier Schweik had the best approach - go with the flow but do your own thing and avoid giving in, just pretend to while "to thine own self be true." I find the best coping strategy as one of the silent majority is not confrontation but ignore and don't encourage them as it gives them a stage. And laugh at the bastards whenever possible.

Anonymous said...

Today I read in our local lefty so called newspaper that Maori and pacific island people are more likely to get dementia at an earlier age than us white privileged people. A Maori academic says it's (of course) all our fault because Maori are deprived, and the fix is, you guessed it more money!
Then a person with 21 pages of convictions was convicted on over 50 counts of drug dealing while on home detention, he also had guns etc. So he got 5 years but reduced to 4 because the judge thinks he will rehabilitate. Just 2 reasons why this country is stuffed