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Shane Jones discusses Maori incarceration during question time at Parliament
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Shane Jones is the Deputy Leader of the NZ First party and the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Resources, Associate Minister of Finance, and Associate Minister for Energy for the Coalition Government.
Shane Jones for PM. He is the leader we need to put the Maori privilege genie back in the bottle. MC
Absolutely Maori are not in jail because colonisation. But from my perspective they are in prison partially but entirely from a iniquitous education system that selectively discriminates against all low SES (socio-economic status) students of which Maori a third which is a disproportionate fraction if they are 17% of the population.
As I repeat so many times in blogs American Educational Statistical Research has revealed two thirds of those in prison or on welfare have failed to achieve proficiency in reading as students.
The other factor is that western libertarians have frequently ridiculed traditional values and opened the door to licentiousness which has resulted in fatherless children and solo mothers as well as a lack of morality. Welfare handouts and lack of work ethic are also factors.
Maori need their culture but that is only half the need since the other half is a sound education focused on every child succeeding in the basics . Current Progressive Education does not have that as its primary aim and never has right from its beginnings in the 1950s.
Whenever I want to throw up my hands and dismiss Maori as impossibly racist, I hear from Shane Jones and hope again for sanity in this country. Bless him.
All those maori in prison would not be there if they did not break the law. Every citizen in NZ knows right from wrong, so anyone who decides to willingly break the law and gets caught, deserves whatever the punishment is for their crime, be it prison or otherwise. It is their deliberate action to break the law that is the problem, not colonisation nor any other perceived issue that apologists dream up. End of story.
Absolutely, Shane. They are in prison because of the lack of support and nurturing from when they are young - the absence of a two parent family and appropriate role models, and the complete lack of instilling character in terms of a work ethic, honesty, and personal responsibility. In essence, much of the current Maori 'culture' is broken and it has very little to do with colonisation, other than the latter has brought a welfare system that has proven to be quite inappropriate for building the aforementioned character.
New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the g...
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Shane Jones for PM. He is the leader we need to put the Maori privilege genie back in the bottle.
Absolutely Maori are not in jail because colonisation. But from my perspective they are in prison partially but entirely from a iniquitous education system that selectively discriminates against all low SES (socio-economic status) students of which Maori a third which is a disproportionate fraction if they are 17% of the population.
As I repeat so many times in blogs American Educational Statistical Research has revealed two thirds of those in prison or on welfare have failed to achieve proficiency in reading as students.
The other factor is that western libertarians have frequently ridiculed traditional values and opened the door to licentiousness which has resulted in fatherless children and solo mothers as well as a lack of morality. Welfare handouts and lack of work ethic are also factors.
Maori need their culture but that is only half the need since the other half is a sound education focused on every child succeeding in the basics . Current Progressive Education does not have that as its
primary aim and never has right from its beginnings in the 1950s.
Whenever I want to throw up my hands and dismiss Maori as impossibly racist, I hear from Shane Jones and hope again for sanity in this country. Bless him.
I agree. Shane Jones for PM!!!!
Until Maori parents push their kids to do better at school, no system changes or whatever will result in higher achievement.
All those maori in prison would not be there if they did not break the law. Every citizen in NZ knows right from wrong, so anyone who decides to willingly break the law and gets caught, deserves whatever the punishment is for their crime, be it prison or otherwise. It is their deliberate action to break the law that is the problem, not colonisation nor any other perceived issue that apologists dream up. End of story.
Absolutely, Shane. They are in prison because of the lack of support and nurturing from when they are young - the absence of a two parent family and appropriate role models, and the complete lack of instilling character in terms of a work ethic, honesty, and personal responsibility. In essence, much of the current Maori 'culture' is broken and it has very little to do with colonisation, other than the latter has brought a welfare system that has proven to be quite inappropriate for building the aforementioned character.
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