The Breaking Views blog is administered by the New Zealand Centre for Political Research at The views expressed are those of the author alone.
Yes the Afrikaaners still speak of glass in the food inside the POW camps. That was 70 years ago when I moved there. People who lost children parents husband wives friends will hate Israel for ever ! FFS Same on reverse and Ukrainians can be added ! War doesn’t solve anything except hate. Look at nz The man with the gravy stains on his face is screaming hate but it seems that’s OK as they are the chosen people. Te Raupraha murdered taped ate literally thousands yet is a hero Go Figute
New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the g...
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Breaking Views brings you expert commentary on topical political and policy issues. The views expressed are those of the author alone. The blog is administered by the New Zealand Centre for Political Research, an independent public policy think tank at - register for the free weekly NZCPR newsletterHERE.
1 comment:
Yes the Afrikaaners still speak of glass in the food inside the POW camps. That was 70 years ago when I moved there. People who lost children parents husband wives friends will hate Israel for ever ! FFS Same on reverse and Ukrainians can be added ! War doesn’t solve anything except hate. Look at nz The man with the gravy stains on his face is screaming hate but it seems that’s OK as they are the chosen people. Te Raupraha murdered taped ate literally thousands yet is a hero Go Figute
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