I’m not against having character questions as part of residency applications but I note that these questions could see TPM co-leader Rawiri Waititi fail to get residency, if he was an applicant.

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It is a known fact that Māori genetic makeup is stronger than others
‘archaic species is becoming more extinct as a new Aotearoa is on the rise.’
If they are asking character questions, I hope they also include ones like:
- Do you believe it can sometimes be legitimate to use violence to achieve political ends
- Do you think religious beliefs should allow you to break the law
- Do you support equality of suffrage
David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.
But he is untouchable. Another example of " special rights."
The guy is a nutcase that only Winston and David Seymour seem to stand up to. Seymour and Winston are far better people in every aspect of life.
Precisely the problem. Pre-ordained? Do the 2 mainstream parties have a stranglehold on power? Can we hope to see a Reform Party surge ( as in the UK) to challenge this? If not, a weirdly similar ( almost identical) agenda is being played out by National and Labour.
I believe that Rawiri Waititi is a human being of less than average intelligence and comprehension, and i think he is aware of this - hence the hat. His posturing is a substitute for rational debate.
Oddly enough I agree with anon @ 10.20. I would suggest that they are probably bang on the money
Anonymous 10.20 is falling into the trap of underestimating the enemy. Waititi is as intelligent as the next man, just more devious (he is a politican for heaven's sake). He's acting out a carefully crafted role, like Donald Trump, to endear himself to a specific support base, and that support base is where the real lack of intelligence is located. The good news is that he has reached the numerical limits of that base and is impotent politically while he remains in opposition. The bad news is that, thanks to MMP, his numbers are quite sufficient to hold the balance of power in any future left-leaning coaltion. And that alone is sufficient reason for intelligent voters to support the existing coalition partners in any future election. The logical solution is to abolish the Maori seats in line with the recommendation of the1986 Royal Commission on the Electoral System.
Can we deport him? Israel would be a good fit.
Hmmm. Animal cunning - but rational? Yes he wants power, but power to do what? To have power. That's intelligent? Spare me.
If the form also asked "do you believe in scientific method?" I woud presumably have to lie for one or other answer.
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