
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Sir Bob Jones: Pedantry or sloppiness

In an editorial on the thousands of submissions to Parliament on David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill, the NZ Herald wrote, “the issue has been discussed and debated around water coolers and…”.

What absolute nonsense!

Currently, my company owns over 1000 prime CBD office suites in Auckland and Wellington. They vary in size from multi-floor to smaller part floor units.

All are inspected weekly by our staff. Not one has a water-cooler in it. Furthermore, over my lifetime I’ve owned tens of thousands of office suites in New Zealand, Australia and Britain and have never seen any with a water-cooler.

My point is this is an American expression and is totally inappropriate to use outside of America, where office water coolers are common.

Readers may possibly think I’m being overly pedantic but I disagree as particularly with editorials, there should be no room for sloppy writing. Its presence casts a shadow over whatever point the editorial is making.

As an aside, New Zealanders have never been big on drinking water. The single exception was a period a decade back where for a few years it was voguish for fat girls to walk about holding a water bottle, but that’s now over.

We’re coffee drinkers which is why regardless of size, all of our suites include a kitchen unit.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Robert Arthur said...

In my observation little or no equivalent of of the real or imagined water cooler scene currently exists in NZ. In the days before glide time, and when "smoko" and lunch breaks were formal, staff munched cut lunches, and everybody read the local paper and watched the same TV news, a degree of discussion did occur. Any maori were not brainwashed to an utterly blind fixed view. Ordinary folk are now more isolated from deeper issues than in previous 100 years.

I.C. Clairly said...

This is an outrage, Bob!

Now that you've kindly brought this outrageous scandal to the wider public attention, I intend to write to Seymour forthwith and put a rocket up him for his sloppy use of American figures of speech in New Zealand political discourse, even though, outside of places like Rocket Lab, there are few actual rockets in New Zealand which could actually be put up Mr Seymour.

Gaynor said...

I have observed a number of water drinking bottle fountain things in Wellington offices. Perhaps they were more up -market offices than Bob Jones has or even less salubrious ones. Maybe it was last century .

Anonymous said...

Well, if this is the only problem you can find with David Seymour that speaks for itself. Oh, and by the by, I have worked in offices in London, Taupo & Tauranga, all with water coolers. Nobody talked around them, but all the same...