
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

David Farrar: $22 million just on advice re the Town Hall

Andrea Vance writes:

Wellington’s council has spent $22 million on outsourced advice on its town hall upgrade – $2m more than the original budget for the cursed project.

Isn’t this astonishing. The WCC has spent more money just on advice (not construction) on their gold plated town hall upgrade than the original overall budget for it.

And they wonder why we are unhappy with 20% rates increases!

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for telling us. People get angry when we feel powerless to prevent councillors and Mayors from wasting our money. Our money, Councillors! Please don't vote for Green-affiliated people next time. Vote for hard-core, gritty people with experience in the real world. MC

Anonymous said...

This is just getting completely ridiculous!!!! Why arent people protesting this???? The lot of them need to be booed out of town.

Anonymous said...

To the people of Wellington.
Stop voting for these half wits!
It’s costing you a fortune and they get nothing done.
Get better candidates and vote for them.

Rob Beechey said...

Absolutely. The council model is broken and will never deliver anything meaningful in its current format. Community boards will always put up their own kind for council duties where they oversee the spending of billions of dollars and ideology over business acumen rules.

Robert Arthur said...

For this type of topic it is fear of public opinion and hence votes which blocks rational decisons. NZ ranks high in the non corruption ratings but it seems to me a lot of effctive corruption occurs in the form of possiby deliberate inadequate assessments.

Peter said...

And just the other day it was announced they were seeking a new comms change manager to "provide high-impact proactive storytelling" to their existing comms, design & engagement team of 52.3 FTE'S!

That in and of itself tells you all you need to know about the efficiency and ideology of this incompetent, spendthrift outfit.

Anonymous said...


Robert Arthur said...

The remarkable fact is that despite the comms empires the general pubic is less aware of council actions than ever. Few get newspapers and cannot be bothered reading non sensational stuff on line, even if it were there. Yet there is clamour for more young voters, not only uninformfed but grossly inexperienced and immature. (And with maori over represented)