
Friday, March 7, 2025

JC: The World Has Hurty Feelings

I thought it was only Christopher Luxon who needed to toughen up. Apparently most of the world needs to. That appears to be the case if looking at the reaction to the Trump/Zelensky confrontation is anything to go by. The sight of one man trying to convince another of the reality of the situation he is in was obviously too much for many of the world’s citizens.
I do understand the reasons as to why these hurty feelings exist. People, quite rightly, feel sorry for Zelensky. So do I. The man is in a terrible position. He is fighting a war he can’t win and he has lost thousands of both military and innocent Ukrainians along the way. This situation cannot be allowed to continue. The war cannot be allowed to continue. As Trump rightly told him he is not the one holding the cards.

The best way out for Zelensky was to agree to what Trump likes to call a deal. This was what this meeting was supposed to be about. The reason for Zelensky’s visit was to sign a deal he had already accepted. Well, that’s what we all thought. Either someone or something caused Zelensky to change his mind. Maybe he did it off his own bat.

Whatever the reason the American team was caught off guard. The timeline for the day was laid out on the basis of Zelensky signing the deal. The fact that he decided to take a different tack caused the whole thing to blow up in his face. It’s no wonder the Ukrainian ambassador had her head in her hands, as she would also have been taken by surprise.

Zelensky decided to adopt a strategy that was neither in his nor his country’s best interests. It is unwise to go into a meeting and take a position of which everyone else in the room is unaware. It is not a good strategy, however well intended, to come across looking like you’re there to bite the hand that feeds you.

Zelensky’s change of tack then forced Trump into the position of trying to explain to him why it was in his best interests to accept the deal, something he was not expecting to have to do. Like everyone else involved, Trump thought he was there to sign the deal. Trump then had to strengthen his language to convince him of his (Zelensky’s) position and in doing so caused the world to be shocked by what they saw. Nobody should have been. Zelensky made a strategic blunder.

Trump is a bully is the common thinking. Trump can be a bully to get his way. I won’t argue with that. But hey, here’s another thing for those with hurty feelings to digest – many successful people in this world are bullies. That is partly the reason they have got to where they are. I am not saying I agree with the premise: I am simply stating a fact. Putin is a bully; Xi is a bully. Politics is not a game of tea and crumpets.

Now I’ll bet dollars to donuts that these sorts of heated discussions have taken place between leaders in the past. Behind closed doors. It can be argued that is where this should have taken place. For whatever reason it wasn’t. It could be because it was thought that the simple signing of an agreement was not going to cause friction.

Trump is on television in the Oval Office many times each day. That’s how he operates. He wants people to see what is going on, whether it’s discussing policy or signing executive orders. It’s called transparency, another thing he campaigned on. What we saw was the sort of discussion that has been going on between leaders, hammering out their points of view, for many decades. Many of us witnessing it for the first time might be shocked but we shouldn’t be. That is how it works.

I’ll guarantee Churchill, Roosevelt, Gorbachev and others have all had these types of interactions. This meeting turning out the way it did was caused by Zelensky’s decision to not sign the deal. It is understood he now will. It appears that, post-meeting, someone has made the man see sense.

All Trump wants to do is end the war and, like what happened after WWII with Japan, get people into Ukraine to help rebuild the country. It is far better to put money into that than waste it on an unwinnable war. Trump wants something in return, which is where the minerals come in. Remember, the American people elected Trump to end the war. He campaigned on it and therefore he has their support. And, while Americans are in Ukraine, Putin will not make a move.

After four years of the hopeless Biden administration, Americans are looking for people who will represent them with strength. The people Trump has in his Cabinet will do just that. There is yet another point to this. Putin might be looking gleefully at what happened with Zelensky, thinking he got a dressing down. But he will also be thinking, as will the likes of Xi and others, that Trump is not a man to be messed with. They know if they step out of line there will be consequences.

Don’t think for a moment Trump is going to let Putin off the hook in all of this. He will also be read the riot act and told what will happen if he tries a similar act of aggression again. Last time it was a threat to bomb Moscow which kept Putin in his box. Trump could repeat the threat. Many people will think that is a way to start a war. Quite the opposite. Like the nuclear threat it is a way of keeping peace in the world.

The latest news out of Russia is that civil war is breaking out and there are the beginnings of a real uprising against Putin. People have had enough, which also gives credence to what Trump is trying do. The majority of people don’t want war. A civil war is something Trump doesn’t have to worry about. He has an overwhelming mandate.

These aggressors are basically cowards and when threatened they sit tight. This is what happened the first time with Trump and there were no wars. They waited until Trump left office and then both Russia and Iran made their moves. Trump, despite how negatively he might be perceived, is definitely the man for the job. Anyone in America who disagrees will be a Democrat and a warmonger because that party wants the wars to continue. These are the people who support the Military Industrial Complex, Big Tech and Big Pharma.

It is ironic to me that the only person striving for peace is heavily criticised for it outside of America. Ukrainians want peace, Russians want peace. The world wants peace. But the one man who is trying to achieve it is vilified for it.

Zelensky is now going back, hopefully with some humility, to sign the deal that I am sure his people want. All of the carry on that has got so many people worked up could have been avoided had he signed the deal in the first place. I hope he has learned his lesson.

JC is a right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. This article was first published HERE

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