
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mike's Minute: Labour need to follow the Keir Starmer blueprint

If the New Zealand Labour Party wants to get real about re-election, they should look no further than the UK Labour Party.

Keir Starmer blew up the NHS on Friday because he said it doesn't work. He says the bloating of the numbers has not improved anything.

Jobs will be lost.

Before he blew up the NHS, he attacked the welfare system. He called it unjust and unfair because, essentially, there are too many people sitting on welfare doing nothing and there is no incentive for them to change their habits.

Remember, this is a British Labour Prime Minister.

We are also expecting the chancellor to slash more spending. Why? Because they don’t have any money.

If only a Hipkins or an Ardern or a Robertson were anything close to this.

What was close to this was Roger Douglas, David Lange, David Caygill, and Mike Moore - the proper Labour Party. The Labour Party many recognise as being a middle-of-the-road centrist-type party that a lot of New Zealanders could recognise.

If what Starmer is up to works, he is Tony Blair 2.0, and the lesson Blair taught us is the same thing Bob Hawke taught us in Australia – a Labour movement doesn’t have to be about wokeness and largesse and economic ineptitude.

It needs to be about common sense and the worker. Not a hardcore unionist, but a middle class New Zealander who gets up, makes their kid's lunches, heads to work and comes home late, a bit tired and ready for a beer and a BBQ at the weekend, living in their own home in suburbia with a belief that life is pretty good, New Zealand is pretty good and the future is moderately bright.

None of that is hard. But I bet you it's completely foreign to most of the current Labour lot who butchered the place between 2017-2023.

The old adage around votes and political support about the centre being large and the place to get a lot of votes, is real.

We wouldn’t mind some wider representation. National or Labour can occupy the centre. History shows it's possible and it's successful.

Hipkins needs to study Starmer and learn.

Mike Hosking is a New Zealand television and radio broadcaster. He currently hosts The Mike Hosking Breakfast show on NewstalkZB on weekday mornings - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Isn’t Kerr Stammer on like -20% popularity at moment?

It’s strange, it’s like nobody but Kerr Stammer is keen for World War 3

CXH said...

'None of that is hard. But I bet you it's completely foreign to most of the current Labour lot who butchered the place between 2017-2023.'. And completely foreign to the current National lot who are letting the butchered carcass continue to bleed out.

Anonymous said...

22,000 more on jobseeker benefit while the country continues to import tens of thousands of workers on work visas from India, Phillipines, Sri Lanka and China. There are packing houses and horticultural farms staffed with Thai and Philippine workers and bugger all Kiwi workers. Go figure!

The Jones Boy said...

To Anon 11.39, his name is Keir Starmer. But you knew that already didn't you because you are just aping your hero Donald Trump in your infantile name calling, and then reinforcing it by giving support to his ignorant and dangerous take on geopolitics.

Anonymous said...

From the latest polls, it appears the horrific Hipkins is surpassing the lacklustre Luxon, which just highlights how dire the state of the nation, and the ineptitude of Luxon, truly is. Unless the latter suddenly gains and acts on an ability to read the room, we're stuffed - which ever Chris is at the helm.