
Monday, March 10, 2025

Professor Robert MacCulloch: Returning Hipkins as PM..... is unthinkable

Returning Hipkins as PM, the man who waged war on Auckland, turned us into prisoners, caused stagnation & will tax your family home, is unthinkable

Whatever the (glaring) faults of the Nats and Chris Luxon, who has disappointed many of us, the idea of returning Opposition Leader Hipkins to Prime Minister next year is unthinkable. Hipkins is the man who threw Auckland into endless lockdowns as recently as 2021-22 and wrecked the education of a generation of Kiwi school children who spent that time doing nothing or surfing the Web.

He failed to recognize his "elimination policy" had long-before reached its expiry date. We still loathe the man up here in Auckland. Last week he had the gall to visit the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and tell them all how he wanted their vote. I'm surprised anyone was in the meeting, since Hipkins' policies were designed to all but wipe commerce in Auckland. Truth is, Hipkins is desperate for our economy to keep doing badly so he can get his foot in the door at the next election.

Hipkins has just told OneNews that Labour will be campaigning on "tax reform". Then he repeated the cliche that in NZ, "too much investment was going into property rather than productive businesses that create jobs". I know of no evidence whatsoever such a statement is true. In nearly every country in the world, people have for centuries piled into property as being a low risk, high yielding asset. Hipkins added, "We've got to rejig the tax system so that the burden of taxation is more evenly spread". The only way Labour can push people into not buying properties & into the incredibly risky business of buying businesses is by taxing the family home. However, every time I've heard born-again capital gains tax supporter Labour MP (and former Revenue Minister) David Parker speak on the topic, he's said Labour would make the family home exempt. How can one say you are doing tax reform to avoid people buying property and then make property exempt? Only a very small proportion of Kiwis are landlords, and of the ones that are, they typically have just one investment property.

The good news is that by confirming - as DownToEarth.Kiwi long-ago predicted - Labour would propose "tax-reform" for Election 2026, which means introducing new taxes to go after those with capital, ensures they will lose. Why? Although the Nats have been weak performers, Hipkins is going to turn the next election into one about taxes. But no one trusts him to use the tax revenue that he raises through new taxes wisely. Look at his track record - an explosion of bureaucracy & wasteful spending that he personally oversaw last time he was PM. He bears responsibility for NZ's stagnation. Before the last election he declared NZ was one the fastest growing economies in the world when we're one of the slowest. He should go the way of Adrian Orr, Ardern and Robertson, and resign. There must be another University, not just Otago, that can offer this failed former Labour Leader who doesn't know when to quit, and wants us to forget his past, the job of Vice Chancellor?

Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

The proposed tax reforms will include racial exemptions so it is ok for some to own properties. The Coalition will need to really put pressure against the idea of segregated tax policy next year.

Anonymous said...

Robert, agree, he's only fit to advise a woke university. I feel there is enough room for him in Otago tho.

The real scary thing is that a lot of my fellow kiwis have very short memories and will probably vote labour next time around.

Here comes more incompetence only ever seen once before under Ardern. Very low quality candidates that only the left have. Racist policies. Free for all for crims who will be let out of jail, just like last time.

Visit labours website which still states nothing about equality only equity outcomes. Statler and Waldorf would be better at running the country than labour,/greens/ maori as they wouldn't do as much damage.

Mark Hanley said...

Thankyou for the timely reminder Robert.

It beggars belief that supposedly right wing commentators are putting so much effort into denigrating our PM on dubious grounds.

The commentators are doing their best to place Hipkins back in charge.... a disaster for ordinary Kiwis.

So why are the commentators doing it?

The answer could lie in the ethical Luxon governments actions to improve Kiwis lives by increasing competition and decreasing profits of NZs monopolies and oligopolies.

A few wealthy people see the writing on the wall but they won't go away without a fight.

So... pls remember that the Labour government did nothing to reign in the banks, supermarkets, developers, power companies, and building supply monopolies.

So don't be influenced into voting more of your hard earned money away.

Anonymous said...

Resulting from Hipkins' extended Auckland lockdown at the end of 2021, and consequent inability to access her regular GP, my wife suffered a stroke from which has affected her and her family significantly. Later Hipkins was reported as saying, with a chuckle, that maybe the lockdown had gone on a bit longer than it needed to. I loathe the man and will actively seek to help ensure he does not return to a position of New Zealand leadership.

Anonymous said...

Theft is no joke. Countries start by borrowing from each other. When that trust dies, they borrow from the banks. And when that source for their debt addiction taps out, they end up stealing from the people. This theft can take a number of obvious and not so obvious forms and is, of course, all in our 'best interests'.

anonymous said...

NZ's D-Day is surely coming in 2026.
Luxon is not preferred PM - must go.
Hipkins - lying as usual about Labour's past performance - sounds cocky - even plausible . Must be stopped.
Greens and TPM - dangerous - must never be in govt.

RogerF said...

The main factor creating the possibility of a Labour controlled coalition at the next election is the on-going migration of our best and brightest leaving beneficiaries as the major electoral college.