Dame Tariana Turia died on 3 January 2024, at 80 years of age after suffering a stroke. Her father was American (with, apparently, some Native American ancestry) and her mother had Māori ancestry. Turia chose to strongly identify with her Māori ancestry. Fair enough.
Turia entered New Zealand’s Parliament in 1996 as a Labour Party representative. She won the Te Tai Hauāuru (West Coast North Island) Māori electorate seat at the 2002 election, a Parliamentary seat she held until 2014, at first for the Labour Party and then for the Māori Party which she formed in 2004 in protest over then Prime Minister Helen Clark’s foreshore and seabed legislation. That controversial legislation extinguished the prospect of New Zealand’s activist Courts awarding people with Māori ancestors dominion over New Zealand’s foreshore and seabed.