
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Cam Slater: Democracy Is No Longer a Human Right?

The Human Rights Commission, the same organisation that remained silent when Jacinda Ardern’s Government trampled all over the Bill of Rights during the Covid emergency, has now come out and essentially said that they endorse the Government’s further abrogation of the Bill of Rights and wholeheartedly back moving towards co-governance, destroying true democracy in the process.

Te Kahui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission is calling on the Government to commit to constitutional transformation and co-governance.

Two reports, Ki te whaiao, ki te ao Marama and Maranga Mai!, were released on Friday analysing the impacts of colonisation, racism and white supremacy and outlining a National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR).

“We all have the right to be treated fairly and to be free from racial discrimination,” Kaikomihana Whakawhanaungatanga a Iwi Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon said.

“The institutional and interpersonal racism occurring daily in our society represents a clear breach of human and indigenous rights.

“We have heard from tangata whenua and many other communities that racism continues to have a negative effect on them and their whanau. A much more positive future will be achieved when He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi are recognised as the founding documents of Aotearoa.”

Ki te whaiao, ki te ao Marama is a community engagement report for developing a National Action Plan Against Racism (NAPAR).

It surveyed over 400 people in 23 online hui and received 470 online submissions about people’s experiences of racism and how to prevent it.

“Alongside their experiences of racism, people also shared their ideas and aspirations for a future free of racism,” Foon said.

“An Aotearoa that gives effect to the inclusive promise of Te Tiriti to uphold the tino rangatiratanga of tangata whenua and provide a place to stand for all tangata tiriti.”

The report describes the history of racism in Aotearoa, how it has affected tangata whenua, ethnic and religious communities, and makes over 40 recommendations.

These include eliminating racism in key sectors, addressing the land issues of tangata whenua in a Tiriti-based way, constitutional transformation, and education about the history of colonisation and racism in Aotearoa.

Paul Hunt is lying about everything. The Treaty says no such thing and there is no institutionalised racism in our government departments. Further, it is a complete fantasy that colonialism was wholly bad for Maori.

Paul Hunt and Meng Foon have shown that they are anti-democratic meddlers and are both unfit for office.

They and the Labour Government they serve are the actual racists; they are divisive in the extreme, hell-bent on destroying the democratic fabric of our nation.

Their recipe for the future would condemn this country to racial and sectarian violence because that is what comes from what they are proposing.

Paul Hunt seems to believe that co-governance is a human right promised by the Treaty. Article Three of the Treaty promises equal rights and duties, not co-governance. Equal rights for all before the law. What Hunt proposes is the exact opposite of what the treaty promises.

Maranga Mai! analysed the immense harm caused to Maori by colonisation resulting in discrimination, violence and impoverishment.

“The report provides a crucial perspective on extremely challenging issues which will define Aotearoa for years to come,” Te Amokapua Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt said.

“It compels us to acknowledge the white supremacy and institutional racism woven into the fabric of the colony as immigrants settled in these islands.”

What were the Treaty settlements for then? Huh?

If you aren’t angry about where this country is heading then you really aren’t paying attention.

This is an appalling development, one which should see this Government hounded from office and the Human Rights Commission dismantled forthwith.

We are heading towards a race-based country governed and controlled by Maori elites.

It must be stopped.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, Cam. These two traitors should be ejected from office forthwith. Treason used to carry the death penalty, so with that they should count themselves lucky.

That aside, if these two can't see how racist and divisive this nonsense that they preach is, they don't deserve to be in our society,
much less in taxpayer funded office.

I was born here more than six decades ago and I will not accept that someone, because of their ancestry has more rights or say so as a local citizen than me, just as I don't expect any more rights or privileges than someone given citizenship last week. I am as much tangata wenua as anyone else born here, so let's cut this divisive crap and move on. And besides, if they are going to rely so much on the Treaty, Maori are not tangata wenua, they are, as described in that document, “tangata maori". The ordinary folk - just like the rest of us 'blow-ins' that arrived by waka.

If anyone is guilty of creating racism in society it's these two fools, along with all legislation that gives special privileges on account of race, which this present Government seems only to keen to champion.

It must be stopped!

K said...


Ray S said...

Quite right Cam.
I have been on this earth for 80 plus years, all of them here in New Zealand.

I have for many years believed some things are worth fighting for, the future of our country is one of those.

*** said...

We live in Cloud Cuckoo Land – the Race Relations Commissioner is calling for an increase in legislated racism, and the Human Rights Commissioner is calling for legislation to reduce our human rights.

The apathetic majority in NZ deserve the future they will get.

Anonymous said...

I consider it enabling Maori Apartheid, where one group is legally or in practice elevated above others.
All New Zealand citizens are equal no matter how their forebears got here. All born here are Tangate Whenua but they aren’t special people just born here. Mike NZ