
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Ross Meurant: Was It God’s Wrath?

The catastrophic human tragedy unfolding in Turkey, has at times been too much for me to view.

“Being buried alive with my new born son” (1) but one example.

Few if any will not have been affected in some way, by the impact of the earthquake which has demolished buildings, killed thousands and bequeathed to they who have been rescued from hidden hell on earth, a scar on the mind, that I doubt will ever heal.

Why did this happen, one asks oneself? A level of destruction surpassed only by America’s atomic attack on Hiroshima and Allied carpet bombing of Dresden.

This tragedy was not delivered by man. Was it God’s wrath?

As a devout Pagan, I reject God as the deliverer of such grief.

Perhaps then, it was delivered by man?

A recent announcement suggests that what may have occurred to many, has now occurred to the Turkish authorities? Buildings were signed off as compliant, when in fact they were not compliant.

“Turkey earthquake: 113 arrest warrants connected to building construction”. (2)

Today I drove to various locations in Auckland. Places where I could view the devastation caused by deluge rain over recent days.

Clifftop homes: Remuera, Parnell, Northcote Point, Bayswater, Stanley Point.

Luxury abodes, front yards now at the bottom of cliffs. Swimming pools and balconies, poised to submerge in the Waitemata harbour.

And I asked myself: Was this God’s wrath?

Or was it in some situations, a case of a blind eye turned by a building inspector to the plea of a building contractor and a tap on the knee for a package under the table?

Of course not. There is no corruption in New Zealand, and especially at Council level.

With some exceptions. (3)

Ross Meurant, graduate in politics both at university and as a Member of Parliament; formerly police inspector in charge of Auckland spies & V.I.P. security; currently Honorary Consul for an African state, Trustee and CEO of Russian owned commercial assets in New Zealand and has international business interest.


Robert Arthur said...

Quite apart from possible direct bribes NZers are noted for relentless chipping away at rulings so staff, Councils, politicians, and others eventually accede. A walk along Auckland waterfronts anytime before the storm reminded that the cliffs were not put there at Creation. Much as with the Twin Towers, the elimination of some structures has been a service to aesthetics.

Simon Cohen said...

The death toll of the Dresden bombings according to the official German figures at the time was 25,000.However the death toll for the Hamburg firestorm was 40,000 according to official German figures.
The death toll from the Tokyo firestorm is conservatively estimated at over 100,000.

Terry Morrissey said...

Nah Ross, We're back to climate change. Keep up.

another man said...

I read a book that said the same thing about America screwing over Israel, with the resulting natuarl disaster so many months later.
They authoer has given copies to each President.

My question is what have we done in God's Zone to get hammered like this the past 2 yrs ?

Anonymous said...

These events have nothing to do with climate change. There has always been earthquakes; there has always been heavy rain events, including cyclones. This is about greedy developers, in the case of the recent events in NZ, not providing adequate infrastructure when building new subdivisions. This is about incompetent councils not undertaking adequate maintenance. Councils would rather spend ratepayers money on politically correct festivals et al than engage staff to ensure infrastructure is performing. Now, watch your rates rise to fix this tragic mess.

Anonymous said...

As someone "formerly in charge of spies", how about investigating the recently developed capabilities of personkind to geo-engineer events like earthquakes, using HAARP technology.