
Sunday, August 25, 2024

David Farrar: O’Connor vs Hipkins

Stuff reports:

Labour leader Chris Hipkins is distancing himself from his MP’s position that benefit sanctions are a “good idea” for those under the age of 20.

Labour has been vocal about the ramping up of the use of sanctions by the Government, calling it “callous”, that the government was “picking on” beneficiaries, and had a “willingness to kick people while they were down”.

But Greg O’Connor, Labour’s Ōhāriu MP, has said twice over the past week that he thinks applying sanctions to young jobseekers is warranted.

“Particularly for young ones, I’ll put my neck out, I think they’re actually not necessarily a bad thing, particularly maybe for those under 21,” he told The Working Group podcast.

Nice to have common sense from a Labour MP.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

The difference between O'Connor and Hipkins is that O'Connor lives in the real world.

Mary R said...

While I can tolerate listening to Greg O'Connor and he does live mostly in reality and shows genuine insight into whats going on NZ , Chippie Hipkins however makes me uncomfortable. Does he even listen to himself? It seems like he lacks self-awareness and reflection. This isn't just a rhetorical question; I'm genuinely curious."