
Thursday, August 29, 2024

JC: RFK Jnr’s Move Is Seismic for Trump

This week it will be interesting to see what the numbers are when the polls come out.

On Friday of last week America played host to the equivalent of a political earthquake. It came in the form of the confirmation of a rumour that had been doing the rounds earlier in the week: that Robert Kennedy Jnr was going to pull out of the presidential race and endorse Donald J Trump.

On Friday he did exactly that and gave an excellent speech explaining why. Then, on the same day, he appeared at a Trump rally in Arizona at a 19,000, packed out, arena that Kamala Harris recently failed to fill. She had curtains blocking out the empty upper level.

Kennedy appeared on stage with Trump to, in Trump’s words, the biggest ovation anyone he has introduced has ever got. He arrived to thunderous applause, cheers, music, pyrotechnics, the lot. This is the man who was prevented from entering the race in many states by the Democrats designing stupid rules that meant his name could not go on the ballot. This is so typical of the left, not just in America but the world over. Instead of trying to accommodate him, they turned on him. They were not going to let him get in the way of their hard-left agenda.

In doing so they have practically sealed their own fate in November. Kennedy has on average five per cent of the national vote according to most reputable polls. Most of his supporters were, like him, not happy with the direction of the Democratic Party. Guess where those supporters are going to go now: to Donald Trump.

Trump already leads in the polls and that lead is now going to get a boost. The national average for Trump is currently plus three. That may sound small but in terms of the electoral college we are talking a landslide win.

This whole Kennedy/Trump alliance was masterfully marketed by Trump. I listen regularly to a podcast by Barry Cunningham and he has worked it out. The Democrat National Convention ended on Thursday. Barry says a point of interest is that since Kamala Harris was endorsed by Biden as the nominee the polling companies sympathetic to her ceased publishing polling data. In America, polls by various polling companies are published at least once a week.

Barry’s supposition is they were holding off on publishing the data following on from the convention to capitalise on what they saw as momentum. The Trump campaign saw through their little game and arranged with Kennedy for his announcement and appearance at the Trump event on Friday. This ploy took the wind completely out of the Democrats’ sails as all the talk since Friday has been about Trump/Kennedy, with just moaning and whinging from the left.

The left continually shoot themselves in the foot. CNN were so shocked by Kennedy’s speech that they cut the feed and instead made fun of his voice. Kennedy has a larynx problem that causes his voice to be sound very raspy. This is the sort of gutter people they are. They have no scruples and will do anything to hold on to power. Those with a moral compass, like Robert Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard, have left the party in disgust.

The Kennedy family (or dynasty if you like) is obviously less than impressed. Even his wife is very uncomfortable with his decision. His siblings say he has betrayed the family values. In their words, “We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future designed by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride.”

Harris and Walz have so far demonstrated the exact opposite of that. One can only assume the family is blinded by its loyalty to the party.

We have yet to see what the impact of Kennedy’s switch to Trump will be but there is no doubt it will increase the advantage Trump already has. He is predicted to help Trump in the swing states, particularly those in the rust belt, including Wisconsin, Minnesota and Philadelphia.

This week it will be interesting to see what the numbers are when the reputable polls come out. Most are expecting a two-point bounce on average. That doesn’t sound seismic as per my headline but I can assure you it is.

JC is a right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. This article was first published HERE


Rob Beechey said...

Like true Marxists, three states have refused to remove RFK Junior’s name from their ballots, designed to hurt Trump. Michigan, Wisconsin and Colorado, Ironically the same 3 States had no trouble removing Biden’s name when he was knifed by his party.

Anonymous said...

Well they are just cheats and liars eh Mr. Beechy?

My Mother like so many wept the day JFK was assassinated. 8 months pregnant with me. I think it was monumental what RFK jnr. did. Seems sad his family don't agree but it is history in the making. I hope he becomes Attorney General, that would be something, just as Bobby was. I think DJT said something about that. It is a great chance to lift the lid on those cheating scoundrels. Why the Kennedy's endorse the Democrats I don't know? It's not like they ever did them any favors that's for sure.

TJS said...

BTW, I love your Posada cartoon JC. José Guadalupe Posada, cartoonist, pollitcal satirist of the Porfirian era. My comment was above as anonymous.