
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Alwyn Poole: The Desperate need to a huge focus on Parenting in NZ

From Radio NZ:

“More than a quarter of teachers in schools in poor neighbourhoods said most of their pupils had oral language below the level expected of them, compared to just 3 percent of new entrant teachers in schools in rich neighbourhoods.

School teachers said some children could not talk in sentences of more than four or five words, spent a lot of time on devices and had little interaction with books.”

As I discuss with Michael Laws below; ECEs and Schools are trying to cycle up Queen St towing an ocean liner to turn this situation around. I believe that we need a crown entity for Parenting and explain why in the clip.

Click to view

If you want to see where our current patterns lead to, I have just done my annual data process to look at the achievements of every high school in NZ. There are approx. 430 schools in the process. The top 40 schools see 87% of their LEAVERS off with UE under their belt. For the bottom 40 schools it is 2.5%. Parenting is a huge part of this all the way through. Do we have the will to solve it?

Alwyn Poole, a well-known figure in the New Zealand education system, he founded and was the head of Mt Hobson Middle School in Auckland for 18 years. This article was sourced HERE


Anonymous said...

We don't need a crown entity for parenting. The idea that government can fix all of our problems will continue setting up society for failure.

The noble savage is a myth, liberalism is a false religion and naturalism will always fail in the long run because human beings are spiritual as well as material beings and without the true religion they all revert to superstition and eventually savagery because of lack of supernatural grace to nourish the soul.

The same will happen to our society also unless we turn back to the one true God and his Church. It is the conformity to its teachings that lead to the development of Christendom and its teachings were the source of all good things in Western Civilisation once it rejected the spiritual supremacy of the Pope and Christ's Church.

The more pagan the world becomes, the more vicious, merciless and ignorant its people become in general.

Barend Vlaardingerbroek said...

>"... unless we turn back to the one true God and his Church. It is the conformity to its teachings that lead to the development of Christendom and its teachings were the source of all good things in Western Civilisation once it rejected the spiritual supremacy of the Pope and Christ's Church."
There are around 3,000 Xian sects and each one claims to be 'it', so it's always difficult to know which one it is a speaker is claiming to be 'THE one', However it's obviously not the Roman Catholic one as far as this speaker is concerned. That reduces it to one of 2,999. Progress.
Most of the 'good things in Western civilisation' with reference to governance and law ultimately owe their existence to the Roman Empire and ancient [pagan] Greece. You can have your Judaeo-Christian heritage, I'll have my Graeco-Roman one. thanks.

Ellen said...

-and talk is cheap. And libraries are free. Walking in the world with no pods in your ears. This has nothing to do with material poverty - or even lack of love in many cases - wonderful to see babies carried close to parents' bodies - Dads too. I can only think there are too many boring people in NZ who have no idea how fortunate they can be to inculcate curiosity and wonder in their children well before they get near a school.

Gaynor said...

We certainly need to return to more traditional values of child raising.
What we now have are children who are overweight , over medicated, anxious and disrespectful of themselves and those around them. This is besides the fact they are poorly educated because of child -centered education which encourages rebellion against parental authority as well as ineffective teaching methods
which has had our achievement in the basics plummet to all time low levels. Also sentimental ideas about human nature from the romantic era has produced unhappy and undisciplined children . Children are more secure in an environment of firmness but kindness
with defined boundaries not permissive discipline. They should not be asked about what they want but told what is best to do by responsible adults.

There has been a collapse of parenting which is a complete failure . This needs to be recognized. Nonsense ideas on child rearing are all part of the plan to destroy Western Culture.