
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sir Bob Jones: World class wetness

Prepare to weep.

Last week a drowning wet London employment Tribunal dismissed a claim for unfair dismissal by a primary school teacher, Charlotte Moore.

It transpired Charlotte had entered her mixed-race classroom to find the kids in full cry, as is their timeless universal wont when temporarily left to themselves.

Calling for quiet Charlotte told them they were “acting like a bunch of chattering monkeys”. One of the kids inexplicably mentioned this to his mother, who promptly lodged a complaint to the police.

Rightly, the police ignored it but not the school who sacked Charlotte for, (brace yourselves) racism.

My god, what a half-way decent lawyer would have made of that nonsense. For a start monkeys are not a race but a separate non-human animal species. Imagine the tribunal’s fainting fits had Charlotte compounded her crime and perhaps added, “I want you all to be quiet as mice”.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Yes you dare not say Monkey no more no more.

TJS said...

No matter the context.

But the WHO are guilty of this crime, with the so called Monkey Pox. Which they have changed now to M pox. But they did it in the first place and it is supposedly coming from Africa too. Blatantly stigmatizing it too. Quite shameful of them Id say.

Robert arthur said...

In Noddy books the two n.. g..s were always misbehaving. Just as well the teacher probably too young for Enid Blyton so did not let slip the n word.

Robert Arthur said...

i seem to recall Sir Bob stating that his blog was to be discontinued. The discovery that it not has cost me hours of retrospective study. He is about the only remaining source of traditional wry humoour not totally compromised by PC considerations Whilst others expand their tikanga we of colonist descent have been forced to forsake much of ours.