
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Labour can't hold on to the oil and gas ban forever

That was quite a smart move from Chris Luxon yesterday, calling on opposition parties to support the Government in fixing this energy crisis we’re in at the moment.

Not only because this is now so serious, with businesses closing down and cutting jobs because they can’t afford the power bill, that it really requires everyone in Parliament to be grown ups about it - but also because I think this is going to politically snooker Labour on that oil and gas ban.

I reckon they’re getting in trouble on this one now. At the moment, mind-blowingly, Labour is still committed to it. Just yesterday, Chris Hipkins said it was a bottom line they wouldn't budge on - they'll still bring the oil and gas ban back.

But I wonder if that’s what they’re saying until they say the opposite - do you know what I mean? 

I don’t know that they can hold the line on this forever.

Because their argument at the moment is that the climate is more important than 230 mill jobs in the Ruapehu district and 300 jobs at Methanex in Taranaki - and however many other jobs are lost around the country at businesses that close down because they can’t afford the power bills because we’re running out of gas and not trying to find more because Labour won't let us try. 

Labour's argument on why they need to maintain the ban is bollocks.

They're suggesting there's no more gas out there. Yes there is - there are two fields off the coast of the North Island that have gas. There's Toutouwai off Taranaki and Karewa off Raglan, both are sitting there basically untapped.

If Labour really believes what it’s saying, that there really is no more gas, why do they need a ban?

Lift the ban, let the investors trick themselves and keep exploring for this non-existent gas, it’s not going to do any harm if there really isn't any gas out there. But what it will do is help New Zealand benefit from those companies maintaining the wells we already have.

Now, I don't think Labour’s in trouble for this just yet - which is why they’re holding the line and saying they will bring the ban back.

And I believe that’s because most people aren’t affected yet, most of us don't work for Methanex or these businesses shutting down.

But come April, when our power bills go up and we see the cost of this ban on us - Labour might have to start dropping this policy.

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show HERE - where this article was sourced.


Bill T said...

if electricity prices rise say 30% to consumers what is inflationary impact.
For businesses all of them be they a supermarket or a factory this puts up costs.
If inflation went up say 2% interest rates will rise that is a given, what then.

Anonymous said...

They are committed to the climate con. Greatest scam in history.
Drill , drill and give the wells English names.

Basil Walker said...

I ask you to visit www Karapowpership and the parent company Karapow. This Turkish company has an LNG powership in New Caledonia generating electricity as we speak / read . NZ can berth any one of these type of elecricity generating ships at any port and generate electricity to enable businesses to continue . I say ; Just get off your butts and open your mind because the solution is obvious.

Rob Beechey said...

New Zealand is now paying the price for believing in the biggest lie ever told, Climate Emergency! Created by the Club of Rome, adopted by the UN’s IPCC, WEF and then the most corrupt, MSM.
Gutless politicians on both sides of the house embraced this lie to this very day without a single challenge. Our energy plight rests on their heads for perpetuating this lie. We could solve our energy emergency today by building clean coal fired energy plants and not tinkering with solar, windmills and unicorns. China built something like 80 standard coal plants last year.
We all know why public debate is forbidden, it’s because the Truth doesn’t mind being questioned but a Lie hates being challenged. So Heather, you have got to look far deeper than your brief essay suggests.

Anonymous said...

I hope that come October 2026, the coalition partners will make great capital out of this problem created by Liebour, Greens and the Maori party NetZero lunacy. Having frightened off the gas and oil investors with the promise to reinstate the ban when they get back into govt., couple this with the great inertia in the electricity supply system and this problem will take a long time to fix.
If Liebour abandons this policy, can they be trusted, or if they need to will they again jump into bed with the Greens if it means they get a chance to get into power .
For many years, people in the Electricity Supply Industry warned that the road to NetZero would lead to shortages and high prices, but there are none so deaf as those who will not hear.

Peter said...

Well, as our energy costs soar and we argue over searching and mining, spare also a thought for those that can well afford the power increases that are being passed on through market forces by the gentailers. One of those, of course, being 'under privileged' Ngai Tahu, who'll have to now dig into some of the $100-odd-millon given to them by Meridian for the renewal of an existing energy resource consent. Please do remind us what innovation, industry, and endeavour they brought to the table to deserve this?

Wake up NZ! You are being rorted in plain sight.

Anonymous said...

She is lost to the dark side.

Doug Longmire said...

And, going back to basics, what is being achieved by NZ cutting it's "emissions" back as Hipkins demands?
Well - let's look at some FACTS for a change:-

Using the IPCC's own data:-
CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is 400ppm (0.4%)
Human CO2 emissions are only 3% of total CO2 emissions.
Natures contribution to the 400ppm is 97%. (or 388ppm).
Human emissions are just 3% or 12ppm. The other 97% is natural.
New Zealand’s CO2 emissions only 0.17% of human emissions.
So New Zealand’s CO2 emissions are 3% x 0.17% of the total global CO2 emissions each year.
3% x 0.17% = 0.0051% !! This is 1 in 20,000.
So the other 99.9949% is generated by all other sources, NOT NZ !!!
i.e. NZ emissions are basically ZERO !!.

So NOTHING is being achieved by attacking our oil/gas industry.

Doug Longmire said...

Correcting an error above: - 400 ppm is actually 0.04% , not 0.4%.

Anonymous said...

Basil Walker (earlier comment) mentions a Turkish company in New Caledonia using LNG to generate power from moored ships. Why don't we take that a step further and get some decommissioned US nuclear subs, moor them at a port somewhere, and use their powerplants to generate electricity. Military designed reactors must be safer than civilian ones

TJS said...

Absolute lunacy on that daffy Jacinda's part. Dare I say baby brain but Hipkins has no excuse.
Well...he has a baby's brain.

Rob Beechy, you said it mate! Right on.