
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Breaking Views Update: Week of 22.12.24

Thursday December 26, 2024 

Whangārei hapū wins appeal against subdivision

The judges who threw out a consent for a Whangārei subdivision say it is one of the clearest cases they have ever seen of a site that should not be developed because of its significance to Māori.

Whangārei hapū Ngāti Kahu o Torongare is celebrating after winning an Environment Court appeal against a 93-home development on land at Onoke Pā, in Te Kamo.

It is the second time in 30 years the hapū has fought a subdivision on the same piece of land, which it has always maintained is hugely significant to Māori.....
See full article HERE

'Disturbing': Pou whenua vandalised along busy Tasman DOC track
Two pou whenua have been vandalised along the Abel Tasman Coast Track since Saturday — one defaced with a hammer and another covered with paint.

The Department of Conservation (DOC) said two separate pou whenua were vandalised, one at Medlands Beach and another further along at Marahau.

Pou whenua are carved posts that are used to mark out boundaries or places of significance to Māori.

Mana whenua plan to visit and perform karakia at the site to impose a rāhui which will deem the site tapu until further notice......
See full article HERE

Anglican Church leaders say they support Te Tiriti in Christmas message
The leaders of the Anglican Church in New Zealand have told their church they support Te Tiriti because it offers hope for the future, a Catholic bishop has reflected that 2024 was a hard year for many, and a Presbyterian reverend says Christmas is a time for thinking about 'home'.

In a Christmas message, the three archbishops who lead the Anglicans in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia say people find hope in standing up for justice and what is right....
See full article HERE

Tuesday December 23, 2024 

Treaty law submission fuels desire to submit on future Bills
Sessions to help Taranaki whānau have a say on the Treaty bill moving through Parliament are being fine-tuned to help address future legislation affecting Māori rights and interests.

The Treaty Principles Bill turbo-charged November’s Hīkoi to become a record-setting protest and is now powering a surge in select committee submissions.

Across Taranaki workers from iwi and hapū, Te Pāti Māori staff, activists and individuals are helping whānau make submissions on the Government’s rewrite of the principles used to interpret Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Many are sharing suggested lines and dozens of entire submissions via social media.....
See full article HERE

Z Energy renames stations with ‘correct’ kupu
Z Energy is swapping out street names for ‘correct’ kupu on fuel stops around the country, with the help of local hapū.

After 12 months of whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building), the company was guided by Te Hā o te Whenua o Kirikiriroa on changing the name of Z Dinsdale to Z Tuhikaramea.

That led to two other stations being renamed - New Plymouth’s Z Courtenay Street became Z Huatoki, while Hamilton’s Five Cross Roads station became Z Te Papanui.

“This is not about ticking a box per se, this is about a bigger sort of commitment that we have to te reo Māori and obviously to the communities that we operate in, so it’s a much bigger broader long-term programme,” Baird said.....
See full article HERE

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Luxon has made the right call re Waitangi

David Farrar: Waipareira to be deregistered as a charity

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - Dr Muriel Newman.

A Treaty of Waitangi Constitution - David Round.


Signs of the hīkoi: More than just 'words on cardboard'

Māori ‘under siege’ in 2024, must fight back in 2025 – Ngarewa-Packer

Analysis: How a thread of unity wove its way through Māoridom in 2024

Young Māori leaders step into spotlight

Dr Maia Hetaraka’s book calls for Māori-focused education reform  

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE


Robert Arthur said...

Whatever woke Z succumb to naming their stations I am sure all locals except perhaps a few maori activists will identify and direct persons by the regular street names .(In my experience asking maori for directions is often thwart and many prudent non maori will or should avoid. Putting one across pakeha gains mana Brownie points.)

Robert Arthur said...

In my observation a disproportionate amount of general vandalism is attributable to maori/trace maori. So hard to be concerned by a few defaced pou . The main concern is that these have not been donated by the tax free maori trusts but paid for usually exorbitantly by the public, as will be the repair. Discouragement of this expenditure not unwelcome. And many wish to enjoy the natural environment without contrived works of modern art and other clutter.

Anonymous said...

Usual story. A few years ago when European statues (including Captain Cook) were getting defaced, it was encouraged by Maori, as a protest against colonialism. But when their statues and edifices get damaged, it's a whole different ball game!

Robert arthur said...

i was going to apply to the Marsden Fund for $20,000 to research why pou have their erect penis' attached to theiir puku. But recent incidents have provided the answer; to lesten the scope for vandalism by contrary tribes. It should be made a directive to all public funded pou providers.