Leah Panapa talks to ACT's Cameron Luxton on The Platform about unelected iwi representatives in Tauranga Council committees.
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The secret ‘partnership’ deal between the Cook Islands and China caught our Government by surprise. It caused concern because it will bring...
Similar incident with the Auckland CC (Mayor Brown was away): one Left-leaning councilor proposed a vote to oppose Seymour's TP Bill. This passed by one vote ( the councilor's vote ).
ACC has no mandate to pronounce on issues of national relevance - and has no authority to pass a resolution without consulting the people of Auckland. A complaint haws been filed with the Select Committee to ignore the ACC submission.
Clearly ,local councils have been instructed to interfere in matters of national importance.
Message to Simeon.
Stop this nonsense now.
Absolutely, since they lost at central govt level, the leftist Marxist elements are going to town in our local councils and Simeon must step up and put them back in their lane.
I see the guidelines to writing a submission state "If you are writing on behalf of an organisation, include its aims, membership, structure and your position there. Make sure you have permission to represent the organisation. On a matter of national importance and one outside the direct remit of a Council, you would have thought that they would require a mandate from the public first on making any such a statement? Hopefully, the complaint Anon@3.16 mentions gains some traction and is heeded. It's directly akin to the Maori Ward issue that now (again) requires a referendum. and rightly so!
Yes Anon 8:22am, I couldn't agree more. Time for Simeon to ensure Councils can’t diminish the ratepayers’ voices by giving non-elected appointees voting powers. Whether they realise it or not, these Council clowns are screwing the scrum. They are a disaster for democracy - and if Mahe is to be believed, they’re doing it primarily to make their own lives easier. Wouldn’t it be great if the new RMA put paid to the need for all this fake indigenous consultation that has become nothing but a time consuming, nationwide rort. It’s an endless grifters’ gravy train - and we’re the mugs paying for it.
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