
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Clive Bibby: The Empire strikes back

History may well record the current world wide movement for change, colloquially referred to in many countries as a “Rejection of Woke” or “A right-wing tsunami”, but whatever the terminology, there is no doubt that the result will be a quantum shift in the political landscape of the Free World. 

And who knows where it will end.

Given the fact that “left wing administrations” across the globe have either fallen in landslide elections or are about to be unceremoniously dumped in the next one, it may even reach behind what has been known as the “Iron curtain” where dictators have ruled unchallenged for decades.

Referring back to the fall of past empires or recent evil regimes like Hitler’s Germany will show that the human spirit has no time for ideas that are not based on the achievement of democratic outcomes. 

I would go further and suggest that, once this current movement has flushed out the false prophets and replaced the separatist administrations with leaders who respond to the people’s needs rather than their own, the world may be in for a prolonged period of peaceful coexistence that this generation and few before have ever experienced. 

So, what lessons can we learn from this world wide move for change. 

1) Even democratically elected governments will not be able to survive the will of the people when their clandestine activities and idealogically based legislation are exposed as false doctrines. 

We see the evidence of the betrayal right here in this country where there have been attempts to impose policies that are foreign to the common man’s sense of fair play.

While the initial support for introduction of laws that were seen as necessary in mitigation against the worst effects of climate change, voters have since realised the implementation was not what was promised.

In fact, the laws that were promoted as essential in order to save us from ourselves have turned out to be merely based on policies that cement the status of a select few elitist, self serving racially based overlords who care little for those they claim to represent. 

And even those leaders like our own Christopher Luxon who continue to identify with past discredited DEI policies at the expense of support for legislation that will restore unity (the Treaty Principles Bill) may be deposed for backing the wrong horse. 

My view is that his brief tenure as our PM could end in tears simply because he misjudged the electorate mood. 

2) Given that the main components of human species DNA is exactly the same wherever we live, it is no surprise that eventually democracy will prevail, even in countries where currently the people appear to have no choice. 

Ultimately righteousness will overcome evil but it is anybody’s guess how long it will take. 

Hopefully this generation may witness the freedoms that too many have been denied.

Let’s believe in our ability to select leaders who are committed to delivering sustainable improvement to the lives of all those they serve.

We have endured the opposite for too long. 

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.

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