
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Clive Bibby: It won’t be pretty but it will be what the world needs

Political pundits throughout the world are using the time they have left before Trump’s inauguration to write scathing attacks on the President Elect’s fitness for office.

In a free society, that is one of the things we expect of journalists who hate even the possibility that the 47th POTUS will actually do what he promised the electorate in 2024. But is not in itself a justifiable reason to oppose every step he takes towards making it happen.

The anti Trump group in this country are already preparing the ground for hate filled columns that will have no affect on what he does next or even on the general voting population who just want someone with the ability to sort out some of the world’s major problems before they deteriorate even further.

While it is inevitable that Trump will not achieve all the changes we need, my guess is that his arrival on the world stage is timely given he offers the last hope for a return to normalcy where policies are developed that are in the best interests of all nations and faiths.

It goes without saying that the last few years where the world has been held to ransom by radical ideological interest groups and terrorist organisations who have operated unrestrained for years, such has had disastrous consequences for the planet as a whole.

The results of this fawning approach to pompous elites by the World governing body (The United Nations) should send shock waves through countries where peaceful coexistence still remains a faint hope.

However, if we are sincere in our desire for a peaceful outcome, surely the first things we must do is to acknowledge the current attempts have not worked and will, if continued in their current form, only make matters worse.

The arrogant disinformation indoctrination of the world’s population about the need to adopt ideologically based programmes in mitigation against climate change is arguably the first amongst equals requiring change.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the evidence suggests that mankind’s attempts to fiddle with the climate was doomed from the start.

Latest reports of studies looking at the planetary balance suggests global warming is not always a bad thing and in fact, carbon emissions can be beneficial to a world verging on starvation. Consequently, we are already noting the world environment’s ability to adapt - particularly on coral reefs which are where the critical lifeblood  of the oceans are measured.

And the use of fossil fuels during the transition from one source of energy to another more in keeping with a country’s ability to survive has to be taken into consideration before embarking on an exercise in futility. Wind and solar are not in themselves the answer to our energy shortfall as we make the change.

Precipitous government decrees that will prematurely shut down coal fired power stations or drilling for gas  before something less polluting is put in place is not only irrational but also totally unnecessary given the availability of other reliable clean energy sources. We need and the environment will support a mix of both.

Finally a return to my opening comments about the need for someone who has the courage, strength of character and commitment to a programme of “peace through strength” at this time.

Donald Trump is a flawed human being, just like the rest of us, but what you see is what you get and, in the current climate (excuse the pun), our best hope of a return to world where peaceful coexistence with our enemies is a real possibility - even a probability.

We are in for some interesting but hopefully rewarding times.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.

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