Radio NZ reports:
Universities want a big increase in equity funding for struggling students, and say money should be targeted based on students’ NCEA results, rather than race or disability.
The government’s review of universities asked how to tackle barriers to student success.
Universities New Zealand’s submission said students who passed 90 percent of their first-year courses were most likely to be successful at university. …
The report said equity funding should therefore be targeted to students with the worst school grades.
Having equity funding targeted towards people based on their actual grades, rather than their race seems very sensible.
David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.
Of course. Endless tax payer money to assure the transformation from democracy to ethnocracy. Why not ask the booming Maori economy to fund this transition ?
Total and brazen Marxism. Everyone gets a first class degree - by social engineering. This ensures that students from the
" 17%" will access the plum jobs after graduation - on the same basis . One step prepares the next... until the ethno- state is fully installed. Then this becomes the normal status quo. i.e. the 83% are officially the 2nd class citizens.
Every family from the 83% with a normally achieving young person should send him /her off shore.... because they will never be equally assessed or equally recruited in " Aotearoa".
How can NZers not see this fiasco unfolding in front of them?
I read an article the other day saying that a lot of students entering tertiary education are functionally illiterate. Perhaps money would be better spent bringing back a University Entrance examination. If you don’t pass it you are not smart enough to go to university. That would save a lot of money.
David, makes sense on the surface. However imo as pretty much everyone knows these institutions are run by far left nutters, who employ more far left lunatics. These lunatics spread only one thing, far left propaganda. I therefore have little doubt that this is a ploy to get more funding for their racist radical agendas. These people have proven themselves not to be trusted. These institutions are not to be trusted.
Defund these institutions. We need these institutions but they should be neutral, not be far left propaganda machines. Defund.
What is the point of bending over backwards and pushing low-ability students through?
The GIGO principle rules - Garbage In, Garbage Out. You end up producing trash graduates but of course they want the same high-paying jobs as quality graduates - in fact demand them on the basis of DEI which means a crap graduate gets appointed over a good one if the race and sex criteria come into play!
Well done, social engineering crowd, you've won!
Now let me get this right…the smartest kids do well at university…so funding should go to the lowest quality secondary school students? Wow, that must prove you have to be an intellectual to believe utter nonsense.
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