If the Government is genuine in its desire to ‘get things done’, they should use Seymour’s bill as the vehicle to start a serious discussion.
As the headline infers, one is at complete variance with the other. The Māori Party have absolutely no interest whatsoever in the good of the country, unlike the other parties, which, to varying degrees, are there for that reason: the Māori Party, with its current leadership, is not.
They are not even there for the good of their people. They profess to be but their actions speak otherwise. Their raison d’être is none other than themselves and those who, in blissful ignorance, choose to follow them. I say blissful ignorance because, if they think the Māori Party is going to look after them, they are sadly mistaken. The Māori Party MPs are there purely to look after themselves and a few other elites like John Tamihere and Willie Jackson.
Their agenda is self-serving, under the guise of misrepresenting the meaning of words written on a piece of parchment which enables them to advance their racist rhetoric in the vain hope of gaining traction from it.
It is to the detriment of parliament and the country that those with the power to halt this agenda appear to be quite happy to turn the other cheek and put up with it. The one person who is trying to do something about it is David Seymour, a lone voice in the political wilderness.
His Treaty Principles Bill should be the catalyst for seeking change to the current situation, rather than having it killed off when it comes back to parliament following the select committee hearings. It will be no surprise when we are told – if we are told – that by far the majority of the submissions were in favour of the bill.
If parliament, particularly the coalition, doesn’t like the bill in its present form, they should show good faith by allowing further discussion so as to have it passed into law in a form they are happy with while at the same time reflecting the will of the people. To just boot it out is once again showing disdain towards the voters.
I find it curious that when the politicians need to act on behalf those who put them there they choose not to. Not dealing appropriately with the the Māori Party is akin to not talking to the people who went to parliament with genuine concerns during Covid. Politicians are elected to make decisions and take actions in the interests of the people, not do what they think is best.
To carry on with the situation as it stands and to debate the Treaty principles on every issue that comes along is not an acceptable outcome. This simply enables the Māori MPs and their ilk to cause unrest and division at every turn.
If the Māori MPs are not brought into line, they will assume they have carte blanche to do whatever they like, no matter the damage they might incur. A good example of this was posted on Kiwiblog recently.
The Māori Party have written to organisations wishing to avail themselves of the Fast Track legislation, particularly in regard to natural resources. They are threatening that, if they are part of a future Labour-led Government, they will introduce retrospective legislation to punish these organisations for their actions – actions that were entirely legal. This highlights their view of democracy and the rule of law.
Are Hipkins and the Labour Party prepared to countenance this form of verbal terrorism and go along with it?
This is the sort of nonsense the coalition is inviting: a constant threat to hold up and hopefully disrupt the Government’s plans that are in the best interests of the country. The country cannot be held to ransom in this manner.
If the Government is genuine in its desire to ‘get things done’, it should use Seymour’s bill as the vehicle to start a serious discussion on the means to sort the situation out so as they can get on with implementing their agenda unimpeded. The public expects nothing less. And rightly so.
JC is a right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. This article was first published HERE
Their agenda is self-serving, under the guise of misrepresenting the meaning of words written on a piece of parchment which enables them to advance their racist rhetoric in the vain hope of gaining traction from it.
It is to the detriment of parliament and the country that those with the power to halt this agenda appear to be quite happy to turn the other cheek and put up with it. The one person who is trying to do something about it is David Seymour, a lone voice in the political wilderness.
His Treaty Principles Bill should be the catalyst for seeking change to the current situation, rather than having it killed off when it comes back to parliament following the select committee hearings. It will be no surprise when we are told – if we are told – that by far the majority of the submissions were in favour of the bill.
If parliament, particularly the coalition, doesn’t like the bill in its present form, they should show good faith by allowing further discussion so as to have it passed into law in a form they are happy with while at the same time reflecting the will of the people. To just boot it out is once again showing disdain towards the voters.
I find it curious that when the politicians need to act on behalf those who put them there they choose not to. Not dealing appropriately with the the Māori Party is akin to not talking to the people who went to parliament with genuine concerns during Covid. Politicians are elected to make decisions and take actions in the interests of the people, not do what they think is best.
To carry on with the situation as it stands and to debate the Treaty principles on every issue that comes along is not an acceptable outcome. This simply enables the Māori MPs and their ilk to cause unrest and division at every turn.
If the Māori MPs are not brought into line, they will assume they have carte blanche to do whatever they like, no matter the damage they might incur. A good example of this was posted on Kiwiblog recently.
The Māori Party have written to organisations wishing to avail themselves of the Fast Track legislation, particularly in regard to natural resources. They are threatening that, if they are part of a future Labour-led Government, they will introduce retrospective legislation to punish these organisations for their actions – actions that were entirely legal. This highlights their view of democracy and the rule of law.
Are Hipkins and the Labour Party prepared to countenance this form of verbal terrorism and go along with it?
This is the sort of nonsense the coalition is inviting: a constant threat to hold up and hopefully disrupt the Government’s plans that are in the best interests of the country. The country cannot be held to ransom in this manner.
If the Government is genuine in its desire to ‘get things done’, it should use Seymour’s bill as the vehicle to start a serious discussion on the means to sort the situation out so as they can get on with implementing their agenda unimpeded. The public expects nothing less. And rightly so.
JC is a right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. This article was first published HERE
NZ will be held to this ransom in order for one side ( + smaller allies ) to gain power in 2026 - if there is a 50/50 result for the Treaty Bill submissions. Hipkins has already commented on Labour's overtures to TPM - a question of finding a modus vivendi between different values and methods for the common goal of power.
But if there is a clear majority for national unity and equality....... then a referendum should be organized. Will Luxon permit this? Will this be permitted by the 17%?
“Not dealing appropriately with the the Māori Party is akin to not talking to the people who went to parliament with genuine concerns during Covid.”
The unprecedented volume of public submissions must surely stir the most stubborn members of the coalition into action! This is certainly not the time to cower in the Beehive like you did during the Wellington protest.
The Maori Party are fueled by Marxism . It's all about victim hood from the supposed evils of NZ colonization which is entirely from the German school of critical race theory and a revival of Marxism which was losing popularity when concentrating only on so called class struggles.
Marxism as we can clearly see from classical Marxism is a failure. It always will be because it doesn't feature personal responsibility.
Where NZ has failed is allowing Marxism into our education system . Before it was introduced mid last century , we had an egalitarian society and world class educational standards. Not the longest tail of underachievement like now.
With Marxist influence we now have quite the opposite. A united front by the entire population is needed to fix this and oust Progressivist Marxism from education in DEI and Critical Race Theory as well as the ineffective teaching methods and morally decadent discipline in our schools. This is the result of lack of personal responsibility and collectivist thinking.
There is also the licentiousness promoted by Western Civilization as a rebellion against traditional values. This also needs acknowledging.
The Maori Party have no interest in rooting out the real rot in our society that is damaging everyone but selfishly focusing on themselves . Just look at the vileness of the all powerful and enormous wealth of oppressive leaders in non Western Countries .
I just don't so what Luxon is so worried about.
We heard from Maori and the msm, that all hell would break loose if 3 waters, unelected Maori local body seats, or the Maori health system were disestablished.
And what happened ? Nothing !
And likewise we were told all hell would break loose if mobile phones were restricted in schools or gang patches were banned in public.
And what happened ? Nothing !
It is overwhelmingly clear the public want neither to have this country governed in part by unelected Maori's nor a Coalition government led by a National Party faction too arrogant to listen to the clear democratic will of the people.
Where does Luxon get his political judgement from, watching Tik Tok videos ? Or listening to Willie Jackson ?
Let's hope wiser heads in the Coalition prevail or Luxon may at the next election engineer a repeat of 2017, where a right wing Government stole defeat from the jaws of victory.
Can any one remember Nanai Mahuta ? Or any one of half a dozen other failed or disgraced Maori MP's ?
If Luxon doesn't accept the clear will of the majority he will go the same way.
Excellent remarks, Gaynor.
Plus one additional factor: i.e. NZ's changed context.
Key and co. escaped scrutiny when the so-called " NZ rock star economy" brought prosperity. Like other " first-world" nations, NZ is struggling with post-Covid socio-economic challenges. The welfare state is a huge expense - and its cost needs radical overhaul. The gravy train tap is no longer a gushing waterfall to appease one group - it is unaffordable in the next 20-30 years. This reality should underpin the Coalition policies.
Parliamentary rules state that 10% of voters signatures are required for a Citizens Initiated Referendum ( approx 350,000 signatures ).
It appears that the submissions when totalled up may exceed the 10% of NZ voters .
I am not suggesting this to be a "claytons" Citizens Initiated Referendum but it would only be a political fool who ignored the quantum of submissions , and respectfully declared that the normal democratic process of three readings in Parliament and supplementary order papers to strengthen the Bill is democracy .
While it's encouraging to see a good deal of NZrs have shrugged off their usual complacency and submitted on this Bill, one has to wonder how many more (especially on the 'pro' side) would have submitted had they not been told that it wouldn't progress past the first reading? The arrogance of our close-minded PM shouldn't be forgotten, nor forgiven, over that.
And that aside, one also has to wonder how the submissions will be counted; how the fakes will be weeded out; and, how those submitted with more than one signatory and/or on behalf of groups will be counted - especially in regard the latter like those submitted by Council's and Unions, when those who they purportedly represent have not provided them with a mandate to submit, yet alone one being 'for' or 'against' the Bill?
And where will the rules be disclosed and who will be the scrutineer?
Now that is a "corporate state secret" Anon.
It will likely be done via that time honoured method MIUAYGA or make it up as you go along. It is going to be an unenviable task sorting: the wheat from the chaff, fact from fiction, reasoned analysis vs opinion, the mandated from the unauthorised in respect to group/council submissions, genuine from fraudulent, objective vs subjective, etc. Also, what, if any, weighting will be given and if so, based on what factors? Whatever, I hope they take the task and responsibility seriously because it is reasonable to posit that our Country's future may well depend upon them reaching the right conclusion.
With use of computers it should be possible to group generic mass submissions. These should not count as individual efforts. (In my case a day of work backed by a mountain of reading and life experience to prepare). How many submitters could summarise the Treaty or the Bill? (Ardern failed!!) Sorting and summarising staff will be public servants recruited with strong emphasis on their pro maori bias and sturated in the current public service departmental culture of the same. This will severely compromise sorting and categorisation. Should require tax number as ID. Submissions should be analysed on the logic of argument but who in irrational NZ can judge? (apart from Elizabeth Rata,)
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