Let’s not put race politics in our science lessons
Science has no race — it is true, or it isn’t. But once we start deleting one race or judging one scientific hero by the color of their skin, we can still make science lessons racist. It’s just another anti-white virtue-signalling thing. Instead of teaching children how the world works, someone thinks we should teach them topics that make the Minister sound good at UN cocktail parties.
The UK Labour government wants to overhaul school science — if only they knew what science was. They got an “independent” review to tell them what they wanted to hear and invited the grovelling Royal Society’s of Science to sell out science to the latest Woke intellectual fashion. Shame on them.
Real science is about evidence, not the color of your skin, or the continent your last 1,000 ancestors lived on. It can’t be “de-Westernized” because it isn’t “Western” — the laws of physics work just as well in England as they do in Bangladesh. Hypersonic rockets don’t care what language you speak, penicillin kills streptococcus in the East and the West, and gravity sucks us all. Its universality is what makes science so fantastically useful, and ultimately so unifying. We are all just homo sapiens in this together, trying to comprehend the big world.
Naturally the UK Labour government want to screw that all up, as if science was just another kind of Arts degree:
Real science is about evidence, not the color of your skin, or the continent your last 1,000 ancestors lived on. It can’t be “de-Westernized” because it isn’t “Western” — the laws of physics work just as well in England as they do in Bangladesh. Hypersonic rockets don’t care what language you speak, penicillin kills streptococcus in the East and the West, and gravity sucks us all. Its universality is what makes science so fantastically useful, and ultimately so unifying. We are all just homo sapiens in this together, trying to comprehend the big world.
Naturally the UK Labour government want to screw that all up, as if science was just another kind of Arts degree:
by Greg Heffer at the Daily Mail:
Big Government, payer of almost all the science grants, asked the “science” societies to make up stuff for their PR campaign:
In response to the Department for Education’s call for evidence, top science bodies stressed the importance of teaching ‘non-Western’ contributions to science.
So they can turn science into another social studies unit:
The Royal Society of Biology, Royal Society of Chemistry, and Institute of Physics also said pupils should learn why some cultures were ‘less able to claim credit and ownership for ideas’.
…the Royal Society of Biology’s own submission stated: ‘It is essential that all children feel included in the sciences by valuing their experiences and through the thoughtful use of contexts, imagery and narratives.
All children need to know what science is, they don’t need to be patronized. There’s a devastating condescension, a racist underbelly to the idea that someone with Hispanic, Malaysian, Kenyan or whatever skin can only learn science if we can teach them through neolithic folk songs or just-so-stories about imaginary ancestors. Spare them the soft racism of low expectations. How unforgivably demeaning.
All children should “feel included” in science because the laws of physics and chemistry apply to them; because they use phones, fly in planes and get x-rays.
Then, after all students learn what science is (observation, hypothesis, prediction, and testing with rigorous skepticism) then they can go to social studies classes to find out how scientific heroes changed the lives of millions, and why the discipline of science was crucial to the West, and how the search for truth became embedded in the dominant Western culture.
We don’t want more social studies in our science lessons, we want more science in our social studies…
They can learn the physics of electromagnetism in their science class, and talk about the impact of Michael Faraday in their history lessons and how he had to teach himself, and how his idea of electric fields and electric motors changed the world.
Killing off Western heroes is something communists and enemies want
Deleting the heroes of science (and the heroes of the UK) is a great way to demoralize and divide a generation. Instead of inspiring kids of all colors to grow up to be Alexander Fleming, the Labour Party want to teach children that their culture is not different, not worth fighting for, and not worth passing on to their own kids.
It’s a stupid way to run a country:
The Royal Society of Biology also said it had sought expertise on ‘decolonising the curriculum’ and for a ‘no more heroes’ approach to teaching science in schools.
This would mean ‘avoiding prescriptive lists of historic figures in biology’ and instead ‘exploring opportunities for local, recogniseable, diverse historic and contemporary figures through which discovery and exploration of biological concepts can be explored’.
President Xi would be pleased.
This is a test to see if we will resist. Mock it accordingly so the people that spout this craven nonsense crawl back in their holes.
Joanne Nova is a prize-winning science graduate in molecular biology. This article was sourced HERE
Proof of UK Labour's real intentions. Hard Left. And they are just starting!
It will never happen. The british people loathe starmer and will vote him out in huge numbers. My brother over there said many brits voted for labour as a punish vote and now regret it. They don't have Mmp over there, so racist or anti west factions cannot get a hold over there, unlike nz.
It is useful to distinguish the scientific method or approach from the content of science. The scientific approach is entirely Western and was developed over a couple thousand years, beginning with the Greeks such as Aristotle.
The content is now global and the Asians have been all over it for some time. Science is a wonderful example of how globalism should work.
Let us not forget, that for better or worse, Western science and the resulting technology has made the world what it is now for us. Western philosophy, science and technology is the most advanced phenomenon to have emerged in this world to date and is unlikely to be surpassed.
That is the pakeha tikanga and it is to be respected.
UK Labour are copying NZ Labour policies such as emptying out prisons of hardened criminals and now the science curriculum. Do they expect a different outcome at the next election.
But the damage done by Labour possible in a 5 year term is massive (unless they can be ejected.).
I think you'll find Barrie Davis that the Arabs were even ahead of the Greeks in establishing scientific principles and facts, so the term 'Western science' is a misnomer and gives radicals a lever to use against 'the West'. I have no problems acknowledging non-Greeks in this way, despite having a Greek grandfather and spending my entire working life in science.
Greek Aristotelian physics precepts of motion were an enormous barrier to those early European scientists like Copernicus , Kepler , Galileo and Newton of the 15th,16th and 17th scientific revolution that founded Western Science. Greek science and philosophy was accepted without question by Medieval Christians for very many centuries. Aristotle, Ptolemy and other Greek thinkers were considered the ultimate authority in science while the church was considered the ultimate authority in religious matters.
That the Earth was the center of all revolving bodies formed the very essence of Aristotelian physics . To overthrow this brought into question the entire body of assumptions upon which science was based. If Earth was not the center of all revolution then all other tenets of ancient science might also be false. Even that the whole of Greek physics was in error.
Allen Heath, here is what I understand of Arabic science.
The New Testament writers went with conceptual Platonism and the Arabs subsequently went with factual Aristotelianism leading to the Golden Age of Arabic science, which ended around 1,000 AD.
However, in 711, the Arabs had crossed into Spain from Morocco and it took the Christians centuries to kick them out. As they did so, they discovered their books of Aristotelian science and translated them into Latin and thus was born European Aristotelian science around the 12th century.
The advancements in science and engineering were predominantly achieved in 'The West" because of the freedoms afforded by democracy. Freedom to think differently, to challenge the established knowledge, to try something new and dare to be wrong. If you are ruled by religious, political or military dictators, or economic hardship, most people will switch into survival mode.
You may be certain the the earth is round, but if you and your family risk severe punishment for daring to say so, most will agree that it's flat.
Of course they are, they are just clones who listen to people like Chris Hipkins' Mum Rose. In 2019, Rose Hipkins was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to science education. Wish I could get awards like that for metaphorically (maybe literally) chucking things in the toilet! No, on second thoughts I'd be embarrassed by receiving such an award for screwing the minds and prospects of our young people.
Righto you lot, back to indoctrination camp, clearly none of you understand yet that matauranga science is the only real science .
Thanks for the laugh! You summed up the UK Labour's (no make that the left's collectively) B-S so succinctly
Allen, the uptake of Aristotelian science I wrote about above was undertaken by philosopher theologians such as Albert the Great and his student Thomas Aquinas working within the Catholic Church.
I was surprised at what I read. For example, Aquinas based his explanation of the Holy Trinity on Aristotle's de Anima, which is essentially a book of psychology. The relevant theory Aquinas used from de Anima can be found today in cognitive psychology under the head Dual Systems Theory.
Aquinas claimed that the Son and the Holy Spirit are principles of the human mind. In my opinion he came close to an explanation of projection from analytical psychology.
Aquinas was revered in his own time by what was then a repressive Church and he is still the foremost theologian of the Catholic Church. I came away with an unexpected reverence for Christianity and Western tradition. It is a culture we have every reason to value and respect.
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