
Monday, January 27, 2025

Olivia Pierson: Trump 2.0

I can’t get over the acute difference between Trump’s 2017 inauguration and what has just taken place in DC this week. To see a president, such as he is, so welcomed with full fanfare and proper respect was nothing but a high. This almost super-human man has been through hell in order to save the republic of his birth, and this time America gave him all his well-earned dues.
There remained a ton of handwringing and pearl clutching over on CNN’s coverage of events, especially concerning the pardons of the J6 hostages, and they will continue to hate much of what Trump sets about to do in this second term, but at least they now have respect for the fact that he is indeed the President and they are highly conscious of the overwhelming mandate the country has given him.

Within two minutes of Trump taking his oath, the Southern border points of entry began closing. The popular CBP One app, which migrants use to book appointments and gain entry, was cancelled immediately. Since 2023, the app has allowed for 1450 migrants per day to present themselves at a port of entry and seek asylum through the immigration courts. It was cancelled with 30,000 appointments in waiting, according to the New York Times.

By nightfall, many of the J6 hostages had been freed from prison, including the chair of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, who was not even at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, but was slapped with a “seditious conspiracy” charge for his “far-right activism”, resulting in a disgusting 22-year prison sentence from Biden’s justice department. Let it be forever said that the only threat to democracy never came from Trump, but from the outgoing Democrat administration, as close to a dictatorship in America that we’ve ever seen. But thankfully they’re history now and the party has suicided. They will have to soul search and learn a thing or two about decency to become a serious part of America’s future again.

Trump’s triumphant return to the White House proves that the people have rejected Banana Republicanism. What was particularly beautiful during his inaugural speech in the rotunda was that Trump got to totally sock it to them while Hillary, Bill, Obama, Kamala, Biden and George Bush had to sit there and just take the unvarnished truth, while the world watched on and listened.

Exceptionalism is back and with it comes a much-needed sense of romanticism, which is to say a sense of what is possible: an elegant First Lady with a jaw-dropping flair for aesthetics, to say nothing of a good heart, a First Family who clearly love each other and aren’t obsessed with base sexual depravity, paedophilia or smoking crack. The entire Trump family radiantly shone as their beloved patriarch was ceremoniously installed into power once more.

The overwhelming themes of the inauguration were serious competence, true justice and real joy – who could ever forget the priceless sight of the president dancing his trademark shuffle to “YMCA” and waving a sword around a giant cake while his gorgeous wife and handsome VEEP looked on with amusement at this powerful man’s victorious hijinx? I know I never will. 

Woke died. DEI died. Illegal immigration invasion died. Corruption got put on notice. Political weaponisation was exposed. The scales of justice were rebalanced.

There’s still a long way to go to bring full sunlight to what has been a very dark time and I do not believe the last-minute pre-emptive pardons issued to Fauci, members of the Biden crime family and the J6 committee will be as impervious to justice as the Democrats hope they will be. The stench of corruption and guilt that they signify is just too foul to ignore.
Olivia is a NZ blogger, author and essayist who likes to write about history and its wide influence on our present time. This article was sourced HERE


anonymous said...

Indeed. But no guarantee this will be replicated in Aotearoa with its weirdo woke and CRT-embedded practices - and avidly pro Maori PM.
These people will fight to the death not to lose their jaw-dropping power and privileges courtesy of the NZ tax payers.

Anonymous said...

Great article Olivia. Couldn't agree more. I hope we follow suite, it's gone way to far in this country also.

Rob Beechey said...

Well said Olivia. You have described the American transformation perfectly. The sheer bravery and tenacious character of Donald J Trump demonstrates phenomenal leadership. No one should ever doubt his life’s mission to rebuild the country he loves. He knew how putrid the swamp was in his first term in office but was out numbered by its criminal inhabitants. They were brazenLY protected by the corrupt MSM who’s hands are dripping with blood. Leaders like Trump are rare and will save his Empire from crumbling like so many in the past. Compare the rapid transformation in the US this week to New Zealand’s “Steady as she goes” leadership, that still retains many of the disastrous policies from the last Government. No real desire to mend our racial division, defenders of the Net-Zero nonsense, unchecked immigration India and Asia while we lose our best to foreign countries. Oh for a real change maker and not someone that just tinkers around the edges.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, the money gets them every time.

Anonymous said...

White hat or black hat?

Just three years ago, BlackRock’s Larry Fink and the current White House’s Donald Trump openly declared that BTC was a scam. Fast-forward to today, and the Trump administration is promising a BTC “strategic reserve” stockpile while Fink (who has since launched a $50B+ BTC spot ETF) is at Davos front-running a 700,000-price target due to BTC’s critical role in a world of currency devaluation.

CBDC’s really boils down to is the slow evolution to a cashless society where “citizen money can be digitally monitored, withheld, frozen, taxed, penalized or otherwise controlled should such a citizen (or collection of citizens) challenge or threaten the state—rightfully or wrongly.”

BTC is not a threat to the great digital re-set to come, it is a partner to the crime.

The Jones Boy said...

It's not often a post on this platform makes me want to retch because you need a strong stomach to read some of the stuff published here. But this piece is up there with the worst.

It would be pointless trying to illustrate the degree to which it is emotional claptrap, because that is clearly how the Olivia Pierson's of this world operate and we all know it's a waste of time trying to argue with them. So I will limit myself to the observation that her credibility as an informed commentator stops in the second paragraph where she repeats the lie that Trump had an "overwhelming mandate".

He didn't! Wikipedia shows he won 49.8% of the popular vote, by comparison with Harris' 48.32%, giving him a very ordinary, and some might say slim, margin of 1.48%; one of the smallest margins of victory since 1888, and smaller than every winning president other than John F. Kennedy in 1960 and Richard Nixon in 1968. And that was on a turnout of 77.8%, which means 34.3 million Americans couldn't even be bothered voting at all. More Americans didn't vote for Trump than did, and more importantly, more Americans voted for someone else. other than Trump. And Olivia thinks that's an overwhelming mandate!

And when you break down the electoral college votes, it is reported that Trump's victory turned on him winning the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan which he achieved with a margin of just 230,000 votes over Harris. That means Harris only needed 115,000 of those voters to go her way to win the Presidency. In the context of the 155 million people that cast votes nationwide, and even the 16.2 million who voted in those three states, that's a tiny margin, and definitely not "overwhelming" in anyone's language.

Unless, of course, you are an uncritical believer in the Republican cant that flourishes in the post-truth world that was also inaugurated on 20 January. Olivia has clearly shown us in which world she lives.

Ewan McGregor said...

Exactly, Jonesy. Just emotional claptrap. It's early days yet to fully understand where this presidency is heading, but there is plenty so far that is the cause of worry. Just for starters, there's Trump's blanket pardoning of over 1500 that invaded Congress, many carrying offensive weapons. What does this tell us about this man?

Anonymous said...

Agree with the Jones Boy. I initially thought this was satire. If Ms Pierson has watched and listened to Trump for the last decade and believes what she writes, then she must be living in cloud-cuckoo land. Reminds me of Little Mary Sunshine, the sentimental journalist sent up in 'Chicago'.

Clive Bibby said...

Emotional claptrap?
So Laurel and Hardy think the pardoning of the whole Biden family., Fauci, Milley and Liz Cheney (none of whom are in jail but should be) is because they have nothing to hide appears strange compared to Trump’s pardoning of mainly innocent bystanders. He was certainly wrong to pardon the handful of protesters who carried arms on Jan 6th but then again, the damage caused by those thugs has to be compared to the BLM rioters who destroyed vast amounts of public property and injured police offers in their days long rampage after the George Floyd death.
Ewan is right to claim there is much for concern about the current administration but he is wrong to suggest it is all about Trump’s handling of the issues. Most observers are concerned about the deliberate road blocks the President is and will encounter in his determination to do what is needed - the cabinet selection process just for starters.

The Jones Boy said...

"mainly innocent bystanders."

There's a Tui ad if ever I saw one. You'll have to do better than that Mr Bibby.

Clive Bibby said...

Tui adds have lost their appeal most likely because they no longer focus on comments that are demonstrably false.
I don’t have to defend my comments Jonesy because they are based on facts. Most of the people Trump pardoned were innocent bystanders.
The remaining few who broke the law should still be there.

The Jones Boy said...

Feel free to rely on whatever facts suit your fancy Mr Bibby. So far as I'm concerned though, the only salient fact is that every single person pardoned by Trump had been charged, convicted, and sentenced for valid crimes against federal law. Are you seriously suggesting that was a massive miscarriage of justice? That there was some grand conspiracy of judges to lock up a group of unwitting tourists? That it was all a horrible mistake, or worse, a damnable Democratic plot? Sorry Mr Bibby. Your facts are clearly derived from the same place as Kelly Ann Conway's much derided "alternative facts" used in defense of Trump's lies about the size of his inauguration crowd. Trump wasn't just lying then. He was demonstrably lying. But gosh, he's learned his lesson and is a changed man now. Altogether now ... Yeah, right!

Clive Bibby said...

In answer to your first 3 points:
Yes, Yes and Yes.
Of course it was organised under direct control of the corrupt Merrick Garland’s Justice Dept.
But it was no mistake.
Future congressional investigations into the activities of the Jan 6th committee
will reveal all.
Why do you think Biden pardoned Liz Cheney?