
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Roger Partridges: Judicial independence and constitutional balance.....

Judicial independence and constitutional balance: a response to David Harvey

David Harvey’s thoughtful critique in Law News of my report for The New Zealand Initiative, Who Makes the Law? Reining in the Supreme Court,[i] highlights the importance of addressing judicial overreach.[ii]

The retired District Court judge agrees with the report’s conclusions that recent Supreme Court decisions raise legitimate concerns. However, he expresses concerns about the implications of some of the report’s proposed solutions for judicial independence.

Harvey’s perspective as a former judge brings valuable insight to this debate. He acknowledges that cases like Fitzgerald (on three strikes sentencing)[iii] and Ellis (on tikanga)[iv] are “examples of judicial overreach” that seem “part of an agenda by some members of the Supreme Court to realign the court within the constitutional structure.”[v]

As Oxford’s Professor of Law and Constitutional Government, Richard Ekins KC, observes in his foreword to Who makes the law, these decisions reflect a Court that has “departed from long-standing, well-settled constitutional limits.”[vi]

To redress the constitutional balance, Who Makes the Law recommends five options for Parliament: targeted legislation to overturn problematic decisions, defining the rule of law in the Senior Courts Act 2016, amending the Legislation Act 2019 to constrain loose interpretation, reforming section 6 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, and reforms to judicial appointments, including introducing term limits for Supreme Court judges.

The report carefully considers judicial independence in developing these recommendations. None should prevent courts from performing their vital role in protecting rights and upholding the rule of law within established constitutional limits. Indeed, by providing clearer constitutional boundaries, the reforms would strengthen judicial independence.

Nevertheless, Harvey’s critique of each proposal deserves careful examination.

Targeted Legislation

Harvey agrees that Parliament can and should pass legislation to correct problematic court decisions. As he notes, this is Parliament’s “least controversial” response and has “no judicial independence implications.”[vii]

Recent examples validate this approach. A Labour-led Parliament passed urgent legislation to reverse the Supreme Court’s decision in D v Police regarding the Child Sex Offender Registration Act 2016.[viii] The current coalition government is also preparing legislation to address concerning interpretations of the Marine and Coastal Area Act 2011.

As Professor Ekins observes in his foreword, while Parliament should evaluate such legislation carefully and be slow to strip litigants of the fruits of litigation, it is “without question constitutionally legitimate” for Parliament to conclude a court has misinterpreted legislation and to restore its intended meaning.[ix]

Defining the Rule of Law

The report’s second recommendation addresses a more systemic issue. The Senior Courts Act refers to New Zealand’s “continuing commitment to the rule of law” but nowhere defines this concept. This gap has allowed some judges to advocate for an expansive “thick” conception that includes substantive social justice outcomes.

Justice Glazebrook’s 2021 Waikato Law School lecture illustrates the risk. She argued for expanding the rule of law to include “redress for historical disadvantage” and claimed that “until we complete the process of decolonisation, the rule of law can only be considered a work in progress.”[x]

Harvey is concerned that defining the rule of law would amount to “the legislature dictating to the courts how they should decide cases.”[xi] However, on close examination, Harvey’s concern faces significant difficulties. Parliament has already referenced the “rule of law” in legislation. Clarifying Parliament’s intended meaning cannot amount to improper dictation. Harvey’s position, if taken to its logical conclusion, would prevent Parliament from defining any statutory terms, an outcome difficult to reconcile with parliamentary sovereignty.

Moreover, Harvey’s objection reveals a deeper confusion between defining terms and dictating outcomes. A “thin” definition of the rule of law focusing on formal characteristics like clarity and predictability does not tell judges how to decide cases. It simply provides the constitutional framework within which they exercise their judgment. Far from constraining independence, it protects it by preventing courts from being drawn into political controversy through an ever-expanding conception of the rule of law.

Amending the Legislation Act

The report’s next recommendations target two distinct problems with statutory interpretation: the courts’ ‘ambulatory’ approach to statutory interpretation and their expansion of the so-called principle of legality.

The ambulatory approach suggests a court may interpret a statute based on the ‘contemporary context’ rather than the context when Parliament enacted it. However, this approach effectively transfers lawmaking power from Parliament to the courts. It contemplates judges reshaping legislation based on their perception of evolving context – including their perception of societal values – without parliamentary involvement. Some judges, including Justice Glazebrook writing extra-judicially,[xii] endorse this approach, as do the authors of Burrows and Carter.[xiii]

The report recommends amending section 10 (1) of the Legislation Act to address this concern. Section 10 (1) directs the courts that “The meaning of legislation must be ascertained from its text and in the light of its purpose and its context.” The amendment would insert the words “at the time of its enactment” after the word “context.” This would restrain the courts from taking an ambulatory approach to deciding the intended meaning of Parliament’s words.

The Supreme Court’s approach to the principle of legality has significantly expanded the judiciary’s power to read down or even disregard clear statutory language. Effectively, the courts now treat the principle of legality’s interpretive presumptions as ‘trump cards’ rather than ‘tiebreakers’.

To address this concern, the report recommends further amending section 10 by adding a subclause expressly limiting the courts’ use of the principle of legality. A new subsection would make clear that the courts cannot use common law presumptions to displace or qualify clear statutory words or adopt unreasonable interpretations of them.

As Ekins argues in his submissions to the UK Parliament recommending similar reforms, the principle of legality should aid “a process of inference about the meaning of the statutory text and, thus, about the meaning Parliament intended to convey.”[xiv] It should not be a licence for judicial revision of clear legislation.

Harvey expresses concern that these two proposed amendments – addressing the ambulatory approach and the principle of legality – would unduly restrict judicial interpretation. He suggests they would “limit or restrict the ability of the judge to arrive at a properly reasoned outcome” and represent “the legislature dictating to the courts how they should decide cases.”

More tellingly, he suggests judges might find ‘creative ways’ around such restrictions. This candid observation, coming from a respected former judge, inadvertently strengthens the case for reform. His acknowledgement that judges might seek to work around Parliament’s clear intent demonstrates why providing clear direction about when context is relevant and restoring the principle of legality to its proper role is necessary.

The recommended changes would preserve judicial independence by establishing clear constitutional boundaries within which judges can exercise their interpretive function. Far from restricting properly reasoned outcomes, the reforms would enhance them by ensuring interpretation focuses on Parliament’s intended meaning.

Section 6 of the Bill of Rights Act

The report’s fourth recommendation addresses what may be the most concerning example of judicial overreach. Section 6 requires courts to prefer rights-consistent interpretations of statutes where possible. In Fitzgerald, Chief Justice Winkelmann explicitly abandoned the more restrained approach of the Supreme Court in Hansen,[xv] which had limited section 6 to “reasonably available” interpretations.[xvi]

The report recommends either repealing section 6 entirely or amending it to restore the Hansen approach.

Harvey acknowledges the reform “seeks to ensure that courts respect the clear intent of Parliament while still protecting rights within the bounds of the law.” Nevertheless, he expresses concern the reform would “introduce a constraint upon judicial decision-making.” More significantly, he suggests judges might still find “creative ways” around such restrictions, observing that “One should not underestimate the creativity of the judicial mind when faced with a problem posed by this proposal.’[xvii]

Once again, this candid acknowledgement inadvertently strengthens the case for reform. If judges would seek to achieve through alternative means what Parliament has explicitly ruled out, this suggests judicial independence has become unmoored from proper constitutional principles.

The reform proposal once again aligns with Ekins’ recommendations for reforming the UK’s equivalent provision in section 3 of the Human Rights Act (UK). In Thoughts on a Modern Bill of Rights,[xviii] Ekins argues there is a strong case for either repealing section 3 entirely or specifying a more constrained interpretive rule to stabilise the statute book and prevent judicial overreach.

Judicial Appointments

The report’s final recommendations concern judicial appointment processes and tenure. They propose emphasising judicial restraint and respect for parliamentary sovereignty in appointment criteria and introducing fixed, non-renewable terms for Supreme Court judges.

Harvey considers these recommendations the subject of his strongest criticisms, likening fixed terms to pre-Glorious Revolution attempts to control judicial behaviour. However, this historical analogy overlooks a crucial distinction: pre-Glorious Revolution judges faced dismissal or renewal pressures that would compromise independence. A single non-renewable term creates no such pressure.

Harvey also warns about politicisation. But he has simultaneously advocated in a recent column in the New Zealand Listener for judges to “address societal issues where Parliament has failed to do so.”[xix] However, deciding which “societal issues” need addressing and how to address them is inherently political. His position presents two conflicting positions –warning against politicisation while promoting exactly the kind of judicial activism that politicises courts.

The Deeper Divide

Harvey’s Listener column also reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of our constitutional arrangements. His position raises three significant difficulties.

First, it would make judges the arbiters of parliamentary performance – effectively placing unelected courts above Parliament in our constitutional hierarchy. Second, it assumes judicial intervention is the appropriate response to perceived parliamentary inaction when our democratic system provides political solutions through the electoral process. Third, and most fundamentally, it would inevitably draw courts into political controversy, undermining the very judicial independence he seeks to protect.

The United States Supreme Court’s experience shows how judicial intervention in perceived legislative failures inevitably leads to politicisation of both court and appointments. We risk a similar outcome if we follow Harvey’s prescription here.

The Fiction of Parliamentary’ Failure’

Harvey’s position about courts addressing societal issues where Parliament has “failed to act” rests on two assumptions that deserve closer examination.

First, he suggests issues like climate change and indigenous rights justify special judicial intervention. But parliaments have historically addressed existential challenges – from world wars to economic depressions – through democratic processes. The challenges in cases like Ellis do not justify departing from established constitutional principles.

Second, and more fundamentally, Harvey’s concept of parliamentary “failure”[xx] misunderstands the nature of parliamentary sovereignty. When Parliament chooses not to legislate on an issue or to legislate in a particular way, that is itself a political decision that deserves respect under our constitutional arrangements. To suggest courts should step in when they perceive Parliament has “failed to act” would effectively give courts the power to override Parliament’s choices – an approach difficult to reconcile with basic constitutional principles.

These difficulties reveal broader implications for parliamentary sovereignty. If citizens want action on any issue – whether climate change, indigenous rights, or other matters – our constitution provides for this through political engagement, not judicial intervention.

When courts step in to fill perceived gaps in legislation, they risk overriding Parliament’s deliberate policy choices about both whether and how to legislate. They also undermine both the rule of law and the law’s democratic legitimacy.

The Way Forward

Harvey’s thoughtful critique raises important questions about protecting judicial independence. Yet his position contains internal contradictions: warning against politicisation while advocating judicial intervention in societal issues; defending independence while supporting an expansive role that would draw courts into political controversy.

The reforms proposed in Who makes the law would restore proper constitutional boundaries while preserving the courts’ vital role in protecting rights. The real threat to judicial independence comes not from maintaining these boundaries but from courts assuming political functions.

Parliament has the tools to address this challenge. Concerns about judicial independence should not prevent it from using them.

To read the full article on the LawNews website, click here.

[i] Roger Partridge "Who Makes the Law? Reining in the Supreme Court" (The New Zealand Initiative, October 2024).
[ii] David Harvey "Reining in the Supreme Court must not compromise judicial independence" Law News (21 October 2024).
[iii] Fitzgerald v R [2021] NZSC 131.
[iv] Ellis v R [2022] NZSC 114.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Richard Ekins, Foreword, in Roger Partridge, "Who Makes the Law? Reining in the Supreme Court" op. cit. 4.
[vii] David Harvey "Reining in the Supreme Court must not compromise judicial independence" op. cit.
[viii] D v New Zealand Police [2019] NZSC 31.
[ix] Richard Ekins, Foreword in Roger Partridge, "Who Makes the Law? Reining in the Supreme Court" op. cit. 5.
[x] Justice Susan Glazebrook "The Rule of Law: Guiding Principle or Catchphrase?" (2021) 29 Waikato Law Review 2.
[xi] David Harvey "Reining in the Supreme Court must not compromise judicial independence" op. cit.
[xii] Justice Susan Glazebrook "Mired in the past or making the future?" in Richard Ekins (ed), Judicial Power and the Balance of Our Constitution (Policy Exchange, London, 2018) 79, 86-87.
[xiii] Ross Carter Burrows and Carter Statute Law in New Zealand (6th ed, LexisNexis, Wellington, 2021).
[xiv] Richard Ekins "How to Reform Judicial Review" (Policy Exchange, London, 2021).
[xv] Fitzgerald, per Winkelmann CJ [58]-[60].
[xvi] R v Hansen [2007] NZSC 7.
[xvii] David Harvey "Reining in the Supreme Court must not compromise judicial independence" op. cit.
[xviii] Richard Ekins "Thoughts on a Modern Bill of Rights" (Policy Exchange, London, 2022).
[xix] David Harvey "Should our Supreme Court address societal issues where Parliament has failed to do so?" New Zealand Listener (7 November 2024).
[xx] Ibid.

Roger Partridge is chairman and a co-founder of The New Zealand Initiative and is a senior member of its research team. He led law firm Bell Gully as executive chairman from 2007 to 2014. This article was first published HERE


anonymous said...

Lawyers debate and the Coalition reflects ... but a sharp judge grants further MACA title to Maori claimants.

Anonymous said...

i agree Roger. we must make parliament adopt your recommendations. ASAP

CXH said...

Surely various governments have shunned some contentious topics, this leaving a vacuum that has been slowly filled by our judiciary. Even now we have a national party that would prefer to ignore the debate on the treaty and it's principles. They would rather leave it to the judiciary so they can claim it isn't their fault.

So, over the preceding few decades the judiciary has become accustomed to being the final arbitrator of where we go as a country. Why would a group, unrestrained by being responsible to the electorate, ever want to give up such heady power. They will fight to retain their grasp on our law. Sadly, I doubt Mr Luxon and his companions have the stomach for the fight that would be needed.

Anonymous said...

I had understood that a hold had been placed on new judgements by the Courts pending the MACA amendment bill. Then the supreme Court poked its nose in with a pronouncement (not a judgement according to Gary Judd) and the last we heard was that the Govt had paused the bill's passage in the house pending input from Crown Law (I think that was the situation?). If as it seems here a Judge has continued with this, is a knuckle rap pending. If not that, more severe action should be forthcoming and swiftly. The shilly shallying by this coalition is at times completely stupefying and they need to take a leaf out of the Trump modus operandi manual - seems we are being let down big time.

Peter said...

"As Professor Ekins observes in his foreword, while Parliament should evaluate such legislation carefully and be slow to strip litigants of the fruits of litigation, it is “without question constitutionally legitimate” for Parliament to conclude a court has misinterpreted legislation and to restore its intended meaning."

If a court is wayward, why should Parliament be "slow to strip litigants of the fruits"? Is that tardiness just to garner more support for the legal profession in the interim? It certainly doesn't foster wider goodwill or provide comfort while such prevails - precisely where we seem to be at present with the MACA amendment bill.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest The Listener should publish Roger Partridge’s view, so NZer’s can hear an alternative opinion -both sides of the story, instead of a biased piece.

Robert said...

An excellent essay Roger. It seems the various protagonists circle like hawks over the road kill, always trying to gain power & at the same time trying to minimize their accountability. It is fascinating and not a little worrying to watch!
I doubt (hope) there is any overt malevolence amongst the judiciary, the civil service, or even academia. Simply, from their comfortable ivory towers they see some practical need to step in, to "adjust" the amateurishness of "our team",...the people we elect to represent "the people", us, who supposedly hold ultimate sovereignty over our own affairs.
And indeed one has to have some sympathy for their perspective, especially when one takes a dispassionate glance at Parliament, the "House of (our) Representatives!
For a start, how representative are they. In MMP it seems we traded to secure a better system of proportional representation ( a nod to minorities) against a mish mash of local, actual, constituent MP's, but with a dollop of hangers on who represent,..who ...organised but rather shady political parties?
It seems to me that Roger's article will fly unrecognized past the heads of the majority of them especially those whose loyalty is to the Party ahead of the voters.
Yes, in large measure we get the representatives we deserve. How many of us take the trouble to get involved in the initial selection of constituent representatives. Under MMP, the constituencies are excessively large, it is quite difficult to really get to know our local MP's & I think they in turn (with some exceptions) relate more to telling us what Wellington wants, than telling Wellington what we want.
If we really believe in "government by the people, for the people", we need to get shot of MMP and clear out the party drones in favour of more, local electorates. And we need to become more active in persuading people of more brain power to represent us.
Then we might stand a better chance in fighting off the judiciary, etc. who imagine they will do a better job of "running the country" than the bunch of wallies the peasants might elect.
But I am not holding my breath,..."Yes Minister"... explained it all!