The Post reports a man was attacked by a ratbag in Porirua, resulting in his face being so massively shattered, he had more than 140 nuts and bolts inserted in his face to strengthen the rebuild.
The offender’s colleague also attacked another bloke, hitting him with what the judge described as a “cowards punch”, leaving his face badly gashed.
Both accused pleaded guilty.
In Australia, Britain, or the USA, the offenders would be imprisoned for terms between 10 and 30 years.
Here? You guessed it. Home detention for respectively nine months and seven months for the two offenders.
This is insanity and I’ll offer generous odds both pieces of rubbish will offend again. And why not given the repercussions are so absurdly light.
Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.
Here? You guessed it. Home detention for respectively nine months and seven months for the two offenders.
This is insanity and I’ll offer generous odds both pieces of rubbish will offend again. And why not given the repercussions are so absurdly light.
Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.
Come on Bob, nothing new here. Forget about the victim, like the judges do. Bob, focus on the poor offenders for a min......
I'm guessing these guys are not european, so lets give them their 40% discount for ethnic purposes. It's been hard for them, their parents didn't by them a 50in tv so they were deprived let's whack another 6 months off for that. They also didn't have enough money for the latest nikes, iphones, clothes etc, so there's another 18 month deduction. That qualifies for home detention. Simple really. You'll also be pleased to know that you paid for their cultural report.
They will require additional benefits as more money helps these types of offenders....not punishment, an additional couple hundred a week plus councilling should suffice.
Shame this is the country we call home. Who are the good guys now days Bob?
If they cannot be sent to jail, how about we bring back the stocks, so such low-life idiots can be pummelled while immobile - punishment would fit the crime.
Look at the Maori Party manifesto - how can "ratbags" be held in a non- existent jail ?
And Bob, this was probably only a bit of mild "utu" for not "respecting" a gang patch.
Home detention seems to me an incredibly soft penalty. As a retired person living alone seldom with cause to venture out except for provisions, it seems very close to my life style, remarkably contented. Many offenders will have extended families (whanau) and other associates to endlessly visit bringing consumables. A major problem is that with utu being te ao judges are fearful of revenge. By severe punishmnt and transport early 19th century Britain maintained remarkable order with no or minimum police force. Meanwhile we are headed down the parth of Latin American countries. Sadly it woud be difficult now to staff a penal colony and the inmates woud conspire with outside to forcefully overthrow.Judges woud be even more timid than now.
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