Bravo to Joann Ransom, the Head of Libraries at Hutt Council. As you can see above she fought against the decision of the Hutt Council to remove an insert from Hutt News they didn’t like (the insert was a copy of a pamphlet Sir Apirana Ngata wrote on the Treaty).

Click to view
Ransom said:
- The action was an act of censorship
- Council should not control what is in the Hutt News
- Their role is to provide access to information, so long as it is legal
- Libraries should be gateways to information, not gatekeepers
- Intellectual freedom its a human right
- The actions were unethical
Remarkably her bosses still refuse to say they did anything wrong, forcing the FSU to continue with their court case.
David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.
Ms Ransom deserves praise for her integrity, whereas the CEO, Jo Miller, and the Mayor, Campbell Barry, and his sycophantic Councillors deserve their ratepayers contempt, for the latter will no doubt be footing the bill for the unethical breach of human rights that was perpetrated under their watch. With an appropriate apology and actions it appears they could easily rectify the situation. But, no, without any shame they seem to have doubled-down with an intent to defend the indefensible. How utterly disgraceful and as if the hapless ratepayers haven't suffered enough. Still, they do have an opportunity to vote later this year.
Thank you for telling the world that there is intelligent life in the Hutt City Council David. Our Library is wonderful. The staff are all helpful and friendly, borrowing methods efficient, range of reading matter extensive ( The Spectator-sigh!), premises available for varied activities - and more. Yay Joann - and co.
Thank you so much Joann, your bravery is to be thoroughly commended
If only more of our public "servants" would show the same fortitude when faced with the same unethical issues.
I'll bet you don't feel compelled to wear a greenstone pendant ?
I hope that you get a proper medal in the New Year Honors for Service to Pakeha.
Did the Free Speech Union clear it with Joann Ransom before making her details public? If so, all good. If not, not good as the effect may be to discourage others within orgaisations subject to OIA requests from speaking their mind.
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