Ladies and gentlemen, it’s official — New Zealand’s Pharmacy Council has lost the plot.
The government-appointed regulatory body in charge of ensuring pharmacists dispense medicine safely has decided that what really matters in healthcare isn’t, you know, actual medicine, but a pharmacist’s ability to sing waiata, analyze the “ongoing impacts of colonization,” and “trust Māori intelligence.” You know, because treating high blood pressure and filling antibiotic prescriptions is clearly impossible without a working knowledge of mana whenua.
Starting April 2025, every pharmacist in the country will be forced to comply with an absurd, race-obsessed checklist that looks less like medical training and more like the syllabus for a Master’s in Indigenous Studies. Here are some of the highlights, because you simply won’t believe this unless you see it for yourself:
●Pharmacists must be familiar with the history of local iwi and hapū in their area. Why? No one knows. Will knowing about the Ngāpuhi’s inter-tribal wars help dispense insulin?
●They must understand intergenerational trauma and structural racism. Yes, really. Because apparently, the ability to identify colonial oppression is now a core pharmaceutical competency.
●They need to be confident performing a waiata tautoko (support song). No, I’m not joking. Imagine waiting for life-saving medication while the pharmacist is forced to burst into song.
●They must trust Māori intelligence—which, by the way, is a horrifyingly racist requirement. Imagine if the Pharmacy Council demanded pharmacists “trust Pākehā intelligence.” There would be riots.
●They must analyze the impacts of colonization on Māori health outcomes. Because nothing says “modern medicine” like a lecture on 19th-century land confiscations.
Now, let’s be clear: Māori culture and Māori spirituality are inseparable. They are not just “customs”—they include spiritual beliefs about health, many of which have zero basis in science. Yet pharmacists—who are supposed to be part of a secular, science-based profession—are being forced to integrate these beliefs into their practice. This is the equivalent of making doctors study Catholic faith healing before prescribing antibiotics.
Where does this end? We’ve already seen this woke lunacy infecting universities, nursing, and even real estate. Janet Dixon exposed how last year’s real estate “training” required agents to accept Māori spiritual beliefs or face consequences. Auckland University now mandates a course on Māori spirituality, meaning your science degree now comes with a side of forced religion. What’s next? Compulsory astrology for meteorologists? Feng shui for architects?
Pharmacy should be a secular profession, based on science—not race politics, not spirituality, and certainly not state-mandated indoctrination. This is New Zealand, not North Korea. The Pharmacy Council is not a Māori Studies department, and pharmacists are not racial re-education officers.
This is an insult to hardworking pharmacists, to the Māori who just want good healthcare, and to every New Zealander who believes in merit over racial pandering.
The Minister of Health needs to stamp this out immediately, fire the radical ideologues who imposed this, and restore sanity before every industry in New Zealand is reduced to a taxpayer-funded cult.
Because if we don’t push back now, don’t be surprised when your next doctor’s appointment requires you to perform a karakia before getting antibiotics.
John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook
●Pharmacists must be familiar with the history of local iwi and hapū in their area. Why? No one knows. Will knowing about the Ngāpuhi’s inter-tribal wars help dispense insulin?
●They must understand intergenerational trauma and structural racism. Yes, really. Because apparently, the ability to identify colonial oppression is now a core pharmaceutical competency.
●They need to be confident performing a waiata tautoko (support song). No, I’m not joking. Imagine waiting for life-saving medication while the pharmacist is forced to burst into song.
●They must trust Māori intelligence—which, by the way, is a horrifyingly racist requirement. Imagine if the Pharmacy Council demanded pharmacists “trust Pākehā intelligence.” There would be riots.
●They must analyze the impacts of colonization on Māori health outcomes. Because nothing says “modern medicine” like a lecture on 19th-century land confiscations.
Now, let’s be clear: Māori culture and Māori spirituality are inseparable. They are not just “customs”—they include spiritual beliefs about health, many of which have zero basis in science. Yet pharmacists—who are supposed to be part of a secular, science-based profession—are being forced to integrate these beliefs into their practice. This is the equivalent of making doctors study Catholic faith healing before prescribing antibiotics.
Where does this end? We’ve already seen this woke lunacy infecting universities, nursing, and even real estate. Janet Dixon exposed how last year’s real estate “training” required agents to accept Māori spiritual beliefs or face consequences. Auckland University now mandates a course on Māori spirituality, meaning your science degree now comes with a side of forced religion. What’s next? Compulsory astrology for meteorologists? Feng shui for architects?
Pharmacy should be a secular profession, based on science—not race politics, not spirituality, and certainly not state-mandated indoctrination. This is New Zealand, not North Korea. The Pharmacy Council is not a Māori Studies department, and pharmacists are not racial re-education officers.
This is an insult to hardworking pharmacists, to the Māori who just want good healthcare, and to every New Zealander who believes in merit over racial pandering.
The Minister of Health needs to stamp this out immediately, fire the radical ideologues who imposed this, and restore sanity before every industry in New Zealand is reduced to a taxpayer-funded cult.
Because if we don’t push back now, don’t be surprised when your next doctor’s appointment requires you to perform a karakia before getting antibiotics.
John Robertson is a patriotic New Zealander who frequently posts on Facebook
Excellent article. Goes right to the heart of the problem ... enforcement of a state promulgated religion is the undelying goal here ... and the end of free thought and speech.
In times past some able writer in the msm would have ripped into this. Indeed the theme would likely have been expanded to examine the maori activist infiltration of ...everything. But now the very few reporters not recruited primarily for their pro maori platitudes cower in fear of cancellation. I suppose on RNZ next Sat morning in accord with their Willie Jackson programme we will have dismal Mah???ingi Forbes guiding and encouraging some maori pharmacist through a glib standard justification with no hint of critical questions. Imagine what Kim Hill fully. unleashed could do with such material. Winston and Boris would be impressed.
As with Brian Kennedy's post from yesterday, the actual document you link to states the new competence standards are enforceable from 1 April 2024 ... not 2025. That would suggest they are already in effect?!
"Pharmacy Council is pleased to publish updated competence standards for pharmacists. These replace standards published in 2015 and are enforceable from 1 April 2024" - Competence Standards for Aotearoa New Zealand Pharmacists p. 2
And according to the Pharmacy Council website:
"All Council's new standards came into effect on 1 April 2024 and form an integral part of Aotearoa New Zealand's pharmacy profession."
This is disgusting. We have to name these people in the public domain so we know who they are. They need to be held to account by the good people of this country
According to the pharmacy council website the document was published on 15 June 2023 and the new standards came into effect on 1 April 2024.
I am a retired pharmacist with over 50 years practice, including 20 years as an Advisory Pharmacist for Medsafe.
My own opinion, shared by many many of my work colleagues is to treat all customers/patients as individuals and assess their level of understanding based upon that person.
We do NOT look out from the dispensary and say "Oh - that patient is part Maori. Therefore I will explain their medication to them differently than if they were European or Chinese or whatever."
The ridiculous woke list of "cultural" demands that the Council is enforcing are actually quite CONTRARY to the best practice of pharamcy in treating all patients respectfully and equally.
If the Council is allowed to go ahead with this outrageous requirement, there will almost certainly be an exodus of pharmacists to Australia, Canada, U.K. or simply to other careers. I guarantee it. Just watch it happen.
John, welcome to the world of He Pua Pua.
And yet here we have a Prime Minister fixated on growth and productivity who completely fails to see how totally unproductive, divisive, downright destructive, and undemocratic this and other Maori centricity nonsense is. Given his complete inability and failure to date to man up on this issue, he needs to do the only decent and right thing for this country and step aside.
And what happens to the pharmacy and pharmacist if they don't comply with this ludicrous set of requirements ?
Especially if it's a rural one already serving a Maori community for years with out a problem. ?
Close it down?
Ban the pharmacist for 5 years like real estate agents ?
There are no known problems with the service pharmacists already supply.
The real drug issue is the Maori gangs dealing in illicit drugs, and dispensing them without any concern for the health and well-being of the users - do they care about the deliberate harm they are doing to their mostly Maori clients ?
Another grand failure by Luxon for not being string enough to lean heavily on these woke organizations.
Having just looked up the members of the Pharmacy Council, I suggest that the non-woke amongst the country's main street pharmacists had better start standing for office.
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.
I am a Dutchy and insist that my pharmacist wears wooden clogs whenever he fills a prescription for me. It makes me feel more confident that the medicine will work.
Just imagine the excellent pharmacists in Queenstown with a growing permaneant community, huge transcient population burgeoning international and local tourism, ALL customers all being separated from the maori induced apartheid in NZ .
The/our real problem is in your opening John. “The government-appointed".
Pharmacy's will soon need 'maori only' entrances so they can be catered to according to there pre-eminence.
So much for our Coalition government stopping this blatant compulsory cultural and political indoctrination in the workplace and schools.
Honestly, do they not realise what they were elected to do.
Once again, failure falls firmly at the feet of National who are proving themselves to be the most ineffective, weak and rudderless bunch, led by a PM who appears to hold no firm views on anything decent and worthwhile, but is clearly in favour of the Left agenda of co-governance and pro-Maori discrimination.
Maybe the best thing is for NZ to get another racist Left government to finally shake apart the National Party and wake the general populace up about what their future truly holds.
This absurd ideology was a major reason why I decided to leave the profession in NZ and go offshore.
I also didn't want to buy into the councils dedication to the idea of 'cultural safety'. They treat this like a religion whereby all pharmacists are tainted with the original sins of power and privilege, and it's only through deep critical self reflection may we become enlightened in the pursuit of the god of identity based equity.
To Dee M at 10.51:
If a change of government happens, the transformation to tribal rule will be instantaneous - and too late. All is already prepared.
This is just another reason why New Zealand is not a democracy. It is a hypocrisy. Get used to it!
I guess there has been little kick back to date because with the te ao/tikanga of utu and the network of Insurrection Coordination Centres (marae), and myriad other interconnecion links (ie immersion schools, kapa haka gatherings etc ) the scope for organised boycott is very great.
This is what National must have meant by getting us "back on track?" If there's not a race-based directive from our Universities, Solicitor General, Nursing Council, Real Estate Authority, and now Pharmacy Council, this couldn't be the 'Land of the long white cloud' and governance we voted for? Or could it?
PS. I'm ok with the clogs Barend, but they also they must wear a piece of pounamu or bone and, of course, a keffiyeh would be befitting.
If I were still practicing (and not retired) I would be looking for pharmacy work in Australia right now.
I never used to be anti-Maori, but with regard to the Maori activists, I sure am now. Ten years ago, I would have voted for a change to New Zealand's name to Aotearoa, but not now. No consultation, no referendum - all done by stealth. And this latest pharmacy outrage is sure to foment resentment. Of course, they'll call it 'racism' as they do with anyone who takes a contrary view. That's how totalitarian they are.
I would like to see in every NZ 'Health ' institution including pharmacies posters with big red crosses through pictures of smokes, drink (alcoholic and sugary) illicit drugs , Mackers and KFC ). . Not only Maori need these warnings but also all those who think they aren't a major contributor to bad health. These posters should replace the posters I now see about so called equity.
The Pharmaceutical Council are not contributing to anybody's health with their recent guidelines.
2015:Auckland University is offering overseas-trained pharmacists a specialized 1- semester course to acquaint them with the Pharmacy profession in NZ. Cost $2.400.
We each need to visit every pharmacist in our country that we can and ask them to prove to us their bonafides with regard to the new standards. Each one who fails any one of the requirements we must report immediately to the Pharmacy Council to investigate. It is my understanding that if a pharmacist is deemed to have been culturally insensitive, by a client, then they have been until proven otherwise.
As a part of your enquiry as to your local pharmacist’s fitness to practice you must specifically ask of them a demonstration of their waiata skills, and also for proof that their Heart is Big Enough. I would assume that to be considered ‘big hearted’ rather than just ‘normal hearted’ one would have to provide evidence that one’s is at least greater than the 95th centile (which i suppose shouldn’t be a problem for a good proportion of those pharmacists who allowed themselves to prepare well in advance for this particular requirement by becoming multi-jabbed for covid. Come to think of it, maybe this is the whole purpose of this particular demand).
If the Pharmacy Council is confronted with enough complaints they have to investigate, with 95% of their otherwise competent members being found wanting, they may just come to see the foolishness of their ways.
Oh and remember to tape the answers you get as proof that he/she/they really have not complied to the level demanded.
Ironically, in doing this we may well be doing NZ pharmacists a favour by highlighting the stupidity of the demands placed upon them that they themselves will be hard placed to do.
“The Minister of Health needs to stamp this out immediately, fire the radical ideologues who imposed this, and restore sanity before every industry in New Zealand is reduced to a taxpayer-funded cult.”
And move on it FAST…
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