
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sir Bob Jones: Revolutionary ideas

The media are having a field day, slamming the quality and delivery of school lunches.

I must be a genius as I’ve come up with a revolutionary solution to this problem.

How about parents providing their kids’ lunches?

Even more radical, why not do as was the norm when I was at school and we all made our own lunches. We buttered bread and spread marmite, or in some cases jam.

As I’ve written before, ask anyone over 60 and all these years later they’ll immediately belt out the name of the sole fat kid at their school, so rare were they.

Nowadays, the kid who will be remembered in half a century’s time will be the sole slim one.

That suggests merit in another option, specifically no lunches at all.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

We have Chinese navy ships sailing around our waters, firing rounds. This would have to be worth more than the basic reporting we have.
School lunches seem to be filling more column inches.
Where’s the priority?
Only in NZ could you write for weeks about this petty rubbish and sell it to the public. No wonder they are all getting sacked.

CXH said...

What about the school principals complaining about having to pick up the mess after lunch. Here's a novel idea, part of getting a free lunch is tidying up afterwards.

Anonymous said...

The teachers are going on about it because most of them are Labour nutters who really do believe there is such a thing as a free lunch. These are the same people who believe debt is free money!

Robert Arthur said...

I cannot agree with Anon 5.54. Wherever the Chinese demonstrate their guns makes little difference, although should not avoidably disrupt normal services. But lunches have a myriad connotations. Seems to me seized by opportunists as yet another device to turn a buck. Overseas practice eagerly seized on as a precedent. Bob Jone's observation is absolutely correct. I have just worked my memory cells back through each class. Some years with no fatties at all! In contrast with the local suburb where very many cannot walk as was normal . Lunches were mostly very simple sandwiches. Sometimes ran to cold meat or cheese. Seem to have doneJones and myself little harm. We are certainly not overweight. Personally I would be sceptical of the hygeine (including colds transmission) especially from low skill and volunteer prepared lunches. Expensive for parents to forego and confusing for the children, esp when the provided food is more attractive.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Whilst I write this, I can see the Wellington based Conglomerate for Socialist Integrity (CSI)- sending their 'troops' to the Office of Sir Robert Jones, with a strait jacket to have him taken to a quite place where they can ' gently persuade him ' that his written opine does not " help the children", particularly by raising matters of historical significance, that do not relate to today or what the children ' really need '!
Taking your own lunch to school!
But alas, how true said written words are, and it just shows how far down the ' ladder of moral ineptitude & inability ', the People of New Zealand have slid.
Sir Robert, I can surely advise you that their are many New Zealand Families who agree with you, but what they want to do is " rebuffed by those who think they know better ".
And if you think the current Minister of Education will step forth and do something - then you really need that strait jacket.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the "fattie" was the only one in the whole of primary school who was driven to and from home for lunch each day.
The rest of us had basic homemade sandwiches, paid for with part of the $3 a week that parents were given by the gummint.
Ronnie slimmed down in secondary school when the lunch at home stopped.

Strangely, not having a gummint lunch was a factor in doing well through life.

Anonymous said...

What? Do those children "making their own lunch" have the pre-requisite training in food safety? Do they understand how to apply Te Tiriti to the lunch-making process?

Thought not.