
Monday, February 24, 2025

David Farrar: I suspect the bullying has stopped

The Herald reports:

An Adelaide mother who stormed a private school and threatened to “slit” the throat of a student who allegedly bullied her daughter has been forced to face court.

On February 3 the 31-year-old mother burst into a classroom full of 12-year-old’s at St Paul’s College in Adelaide and launched into a violent tirade directed at her daughter’s alleged tormentor.

The enraged mother’s actions were caught on camera, where she was heard yelling: “You ever f****** mess with my daughter again I’ll slit your f****** throat.”

“You want to f****** go bitch? You want to f****** go? You ever f****** talk to my daughter again.” …

The woman told 7News that her daughter had suffered a lengthy campaign of bullying and she had tried to raise the issue with the school, “begging” them to help.

“I don’t want my daughter to be another statistic. I don’t want to have to bury my child,” she said.

“She was crying, she was devastated that this child told her to go and hang herself.”

“That is a breaking point for any parent … I went into survival mode, and protective mode. I did let loose, unfortunately (it) was a side, I don’t show very often. But that was a tipping point for that day.”

She said her daughter had been driven to self-harm by a 12-month period of bullying and she and her husband had been trying to get the school to intervene.

They had driven the girl to school to shield her from the abuse.

“I did everything in my power as a parent,” she claimed.

“The school has been negligent on their behalf… They have ignored all aspects about what we stated about the bullying with our daughter.

“I have stated time and time again to the school that we are begging. We begged for help. We begged.”

It goes without saying that the mother should not threaten to slit throats. She will face consequences for that.

But the school should not escape blame. I can sympathise with a parent who sees their kid bullied every day for weeks and months and is worried they will kill themselves due to the bullying. I can understand how a parent might snap as they are desperate to protect their child. The school should have ensured this was not happening.

And I tell you one thing. I suspect the girls who were doing the bullying, will not do so in future!

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely a complete failure on the part of the school.
In my experience the teaching profession is most definitely at fault for the lack of anti bullying protocols in schools.
Both private and state.
However if a school Principal makes zero tolerance the school's policy then policy is developed and applied.
Should be law.

Anonymous said...

Id do the same for my kids. Simple.

Anonymous said...

I really relate to this. The girl will get over her embarrassment and never forget what her mother did for her. I once turned up to a school board meeting where my son was accused of serious misconduct. The Principal had decided he was guilty without talking to others involved. He told me, the mother, I was not to talk to anyone at the school about it. A week later at the board meeting where he thought he was going to expel my son, (in the top 5 of Y13) I showed up with eyewitness testimonies, a reference from his employer and a lawyer. When I introduced the lawyer the Principal nearly fell off his seat. Principals have way too much power in schools. We had a good outcome.
I think schools should have better discipline and cultivate student respect for all. Including other students with zero tolerance for bad behaviour.

Anonymous said...

In truth, most schools do their best. There is a wave of violence sweeping the West and it did not start in schools. When schools act they are criticised, when they do not they are criticised. Common sense has been replaced by perpetrator-centric policies that constrain and undermine schools. Rules can be challenged and dispensed at whim. Schools cannot legally search a child, isolate them, restrain them, or suspend them without laborious process. School staff are fair game for parents (and media) with axes to grind, and students who insist that school be tailored to them, and who have an acute sense of their rights, and absolute denial of responsibility. This is what schools battle daily ... not to mention physical assaults on staff. Sorry, that's what many (not all) schools face. All based on the idiot idea that absence of kindness is the cause of all that ails, and that rules, order, and consequences for actions, are tools of oppression, and a denial of individuality. And the Ministry of Education, in lock step with its political masters, buries its head deeper and deeper in the ideological sand.